chapter 26

Tatsumi stood over jin's scorched body as he knew he was not dead.He grabbed jins charred corps as he looked at the surrounding kumo iwa and kiri ninja.

"Well I guess your still alive I could heal you but I think I will use you as leverage to find out who all the spies are."said Tatsumi.

"You two won't live for much longer but I'll put you in a in suspended time."said Tatsumi as he obsorbed jin in the storage space.

"You bastard what did you do with him!"shouted mabui."Don't worry he's alive for now until I get my answers."replied tatsumi coldly.

"That's not what I asked where did you put him!" Shouted mabui in a demanding tone."Don't worry he is currently fine you will get him back soon once I finish handling the eight tails."replied tatsumi.

"Even if their are spies in uzu we are just genun we wouldn't know who they are."shouted an iwa nin.

"That sounds like you problem because if I don't get my answers I'm killing all of you konoha,kumo,kiri,sand,iwa I don't discriminate."said Tatsumi with a blank expression.

"You would even kill your own allies you are sick."said mabui in disgust."Konoha is uzushio's allie not Tatsumi Uzumaki's allies learn the difference."said Tatsumi as he blocked a tentacle strike from the eight tails.

"They call us beast they call us demons but look at you your no human your a monster."shouted b from inside gyouko.

"I may be a monster but the difference between me and the tailed beast is I'll never allow myself to be locked in any cage."said Tatsumi.

Tatsumi jumped up as he sent hundreds of light beams towards gyouko's body causing him to scream out in pain and agony.

gyouko condensed a tailed beast bomb before releasing it towards tatsumi.BOOM! The attack hit Tatsumi as another explosion was created causing dust and debree to be sent into the air.

The smoke cleared revealing Tatsumi unarmed as he was inside of a perfect cube.As soon as the perfect cube disappeared eight tentacles lunged at tatsumi.

"Light breathing first form soaring stars."said Tatsumi as dozens of stars immerged from his sword as they diced up gyouko's tentacles.

ROAR gyouku screamed in pain as dozens of tailed beats bombs flew at tatsumi.

Tatsumi created a strong gravitational pressure blowing away the tailed bear bomb causing some to land near the crowd of genin who watched the battle.

Light breathing six form heavenly chains said Tatsumi as dozens of chains came the ground and binder gyouko.

Gyouko struggled against the chains but the chains immediately broke under his weight as he swung a tentacle at tatsumi blowing him back as he flew into some nearby treas.

Tatsumi got up as he caught up blood as he realized he let his guard down and didn't activate elementalization.

"The eight tails under normal circumstances I wouldn't be able to defeat it if it could utilize it chakra like the nine tails being able to give its jinjuriki different tailed beast cloaks."said Tatsumi to himself.

Gyouko formed a 30 meter bijuu bomb as he started to condense it seeing tatsumi realized he had to go all out and not hold back.

"Light breathing seventh form shinigami's judgment."said Tatsumi as a golden silhouette of a shinigami formed behind him as the shinigami held a tattoo made of light in its hand.

All the surrounding genin along with all the spectators were in pure shock.The shinigami behind tatsumi then struck its tattoo at the eight tails as the eight tails released a golden coloured beam from it's mouth.