chapter 27

A giant explosion had taken place as a result of the clash between tatsumi and the eight tails causing a giant hole to appear in the ground smoke rising from it.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats Waiting to see who would immerge victorious the one who was a perfect jinjuriki of the second strongest tailed beats or some unknown arrogant Uzumaki.

A hand grabbed the edge of the hole as a body flew high into the air and dropped to the ground.

The body was the scorched and bleeding body of killer b as tatsumi immerged from the giant hole in the ground.

Tatsumi left hand was broken blood dripping from his forehead as his whole body was covered in burn marks and cuts.

All the genin stepped back in fear as they wanted to check on b but knew that even though tatsumi was weakened they could not harm him.

Ding Ding host as defeated 8 and second tails host has received one hundred thousand gold fifty stat points and a mysterious dojutsu.

A small smile appeared on tatsumi's face as he approached killer b's body. All the jonin and kage Watching from the orb got tense especially the third raikage.

The kumo genun wanted to do something but couldn't as they were too afraid.Tatsumi released Jun from the system space as he placed his hands on both their chest.

Mabui immediately ran towards him with a kunai attempting to stab tatsumi.Tatsumi raised his hand as a perfect cube blocked it.

"Don't tell me he's planning to rip the tailed beast from their body!shouted the raikage."Ashina if that brat does anything to them all reduce uzu to dust."shouted the raikage.

"Old man scream at my kage one more time and I'll kill every kumo ninja here." Said Tatsumi looking directly at them."And I'm going to heal them I could just kill them or leave them to die be grateful for my generosity. "Said Tatsumi coldly.

The third raikage's face furrowed but he then realized is outburst would do nothing as long as tatsumi doesn't take the tailed beast he can do whatever he wants with any of his shinobi.

The faces of the eight and two tails then appeared from the stomachs of their respective host.

"I will heal your jailers if you two sign a vow."said Tatsumi looking at the bijuu."If you think we're gonna sign a summoning contract with you your out of your mind."said manataby furiously.

"I have no intrest in having a tailed beast as my summon or be the jailer of one but the vow states if any of you two or your jinjuriki's attack an Uzumaki both you tailed beats and the jinjuriki die and this vow will remain even when you reform after death." Said Tatsumi as he looked at both bijuu.

"And even if we were to accept how would you make such a vow?"asked gyouko confused."That is none of your concern but if you want me to spare your jinjuriki's lives you can accept the deal but it's your choice."replied tatsumi.

"Along as this vow doesn't allow you to control us."said gyouko."I don't like controlling others and genjutsu was never my style and the vow is as states cause if I myself break the vow I too will die."said Tatsumi.

This caught all the bystanders attention as the realized this vow goes both ways." but if you were to attack me first or the Uzumaki were you attack you first you can defend yourself ."said Tatsumi.

"But why impose a condition on yourself you could have easily just forced us in a one sided pact?"asked manatabi.

"I could do that but I wanted to give you a sense of assurance not to kumogakure as I personally wouldn't have not been so lenient if I didn't feel sorry for you tailed beast I probably would have forced every genin here into a vow."replied tatsumi.

All the genin stepped back bur where suprised at tatsumi's next words."But it wouldn't do me any good as everyone here is quote weak and pose no threat to uzushio."said Tatsumi.

"Alright even tho we think you're a psychopath we will accept your deal."said manatabi.Tatsumi ignored thar as he activated the systems contract feature.

A golden figure appeared behind tatsumi as it entered both his and jin and killer b's body sealing the contract.