chapter 28

Tatsumi stood infront of the genin as he placed the unconscious forms of both b and jin next to mabui."They should be fine in a couple of hours."said Tatsumi.

"Why didn't you just kill all of us it would have been so much easier?"asked mabui."Well it's because you are genin killing you all would have served me zero purpose most of you are just cannon fodder anyway."replied tatsumi.

"What do you mean we are cannon fodder!"shouted a kumo nin before realizing what he had said as he stepped back in fear.

"What I mean by you are all cannon fodder is that most of you will be lucky to pass the age of fifteen.

Take my advice as shinobi know that you are expendable and know that if you become strong make sure your controllable as what a leader can't control they'll get rid of you all think this system is fair."said Tatsumi staring at the shinobi.

"Your lying our villages give every shinobi a fair chance at becoming a kage!"shouted mabui.Tatsumi scoffed as he looked at her.

"They don' in reality even if your the strongest in your village if you are not usable you are dead which is why my loyalty is not to anyone I will protect my clan not blindly serve it you all better learn quick because by the time the war breaks out you all are just prey waitingto be devoured."said Tatsumi as the shinobi gritted their teeth.

"It's not like me telling you this will change anything as your brains have been filled with nonsense."said Tatsumi as he disappeared in a flash of light appearing behind the crowd of genin as he held over a dozen scrolls in his hands.

"You all can dream but at the end of the day the only one who will become a kage is not always the strongest but the one easiest to control.

No kage was chosen solely off of strength but because of connection and influence remember the one's with the kindest smiles often do the worst things.

This is no fairy tail in that moment I could have taken your lives in that moment.I was the master of your fates some of you should get use to that feeling as next time you feel it you'll die and remember you don't serve your kage you are just another pawn of the daimyo."said Tatsumi as he walked off into the forest eyes filled with hatred and envy staring at him.

Tatsumi kept walking into the forest as he disappeared and reappeared but this time he was holding a boy with bright brown hair and a konoha head band.

"How many times do I have to tell you nawaki to stop following me."said Tatsumi as he placed nawaki on the ground as two other genin came rushing out from the trees.

"Wait Kazuma'mina he is not going to harm me."said nawaki as his teammates stopped dead in their tracks.

"So these must be your teammates nawaki."said Tatsumi looking at the two infront of him.

"Nawaki he is very dangerous you witnessed what he could do."said Mina."Hey nawaki how many scrolls do you all have?"asked tatsumi.

"Don't get any bright ideas we won't just hand them over so easily."said Kazuma sweat dripping down his face.

"We haven't been able to obtain any so just our original three."said nawaki with a sad expression. Hearing this tatsumi pulled out six scrolls and handed them to nawaki as he walked off.

"Wait your really giving us these."said nawaki."Ofcourse it's no big deal u have mote afterall and I could just go around taunting these genin and taking way their scrolls so their basically useless to me."replied tatsumi.

Tsunade who was watching this was surprised as he hadn't realized his brother had encountered tatsumi before sure they must had brief interaction but they spoke like they have always known each other.

"Also these scrolls are a kinda away for saying sorry for almost taking off your head last time."said Tatsumi as he chuckled slightly.

"What his he bipolar are something his personality took a complete one eighty!"shouted jiriah.

"Hey Tatsumi I've been meaning to ask why are you so kind to me while you are mostly neutral to other konoha ninja?"asked nawaki.

"Did orochimaru ask you to ask me that."said Tatsumi as he stopped in his tracks."You saw right through me didn't you."said nawaki.

"Well if orochimaru must know it's because I consider you one of my friend's and the fact that your part Uzumaki."said Tatsumi.

"What your saying you treat me so good because I'm part Uzumaki!"shouted nawaki.

"Yeah what's so hard to understand I see your grandma as family meaning I see you as family."said Tatsumi.

"But even so we are your enemy why would you give us your scrolls"asked Mina. "Enemies how could we be enemy's when none of you pose a threat to me."replied tatsumi.

"You have an odd way of looking at life."said Kazuma."Some would say that but it's true I don't consider any one in this forest an enemy afterall my own teammates pose more of a threat yo me than any of you."replied tatsumi.