chapter 29

Tatsumi was about to get into a battle with nawaki and his team as their pride would not allow them to just take free handouts.

"Are you three sure about this I may be injured but I am still not going down without a fight."said Tatsumi.

Kazuma nodded his head his sharingan blazing with pure determination."Well I suppose if I am facing the user of a dojutsu I should unveil my own."said Tatsumi.

The face of everyone watching the orb contorted as not even the uzukage was aware of tatsumi's dojutsu.

Ashina did Tatsumi inform you about this new dojutsu?" Asked hiruzen hiruzen who tried to not be angry while asking this question but on the inside he despised Tatsumi with every fibre of his being.

"No he did not inform me of this dojutsu."replied ashina."How terrible of a kage do you have to be to not know your own shinobi's abilities."said the third kazekage.

"I don't know but considering my granddaughter single handedly defeated your to students I must be a bad leader afterall."replied ashina as the third kazekage's blood stated to boil.

Tatsumi looked at Kazuma as his eyes became completely dark as too stars appeared in the middle of his eyes

Ding ding host has activated dojutsu for the first time because of host injuries and persona in the state in which he activated the dojutsu has now has permanent side effect of increasing host bloodlust and cruelty.

Tatsumi breathing got heavy as a Monica laugh echoed from his mouth as his shining golden eyes glowed as he had a pure psychotic look on his face.

He disappeared as he slammed his fist inside of kazuma's stomach sending him crashing through trees as he walked towards nawaki and mina.

"I will kill everything I will murder them all they will all die by my hands I have never felt such power such a feeling for pure death and destruction."said Tatsumi as his bloodlust terrified both mina and nawaki.

I can feel it the sense of pure fear in your hearts yes be afraid be afraid of death said Tatsumi as he swung his blade down towards mina.

Clang! A sword clashed with tatsumi's it was toji's sword as he stood infront of tatsumi."Tatsumi what's wrong with you you said you wouldn't go all out and what's wrong with your eyes."asked toji.

But tatsumi was unresponsive as a cruel smile appeared on his face."Toji I'm going to kill you all every last one of you."declared tatsumi.

Toji used the minds eye of the kagura as he noticed tatsumi's bloodlust was off the charts as his power was raging inside his body causing an imbalance in his body.

"I see you have awakened this new power and your emotions have run wilded as a substitute for chakra as your abilities require no chakra so you have gone totally mad guess I'llhave to take you down."said toji.

"Toji don't make me laugh you alone can't defeat me."said Tatsumi."I see you haven't lost sense of reason like a beast you have become completely cruel with your only goal is to kill."said toji as he sent a kick towards tatsumi's face.

"Toji what's going on why are you and Tatsumi fighting?"asked kushina."kushina no Tatsumi he can't control his emotions he is going to attack you don't come any closer."shouted toji.

Tatsumi disappeared as he sent sent a strike at kushina but luckily she was able to block it.Takashi,and mitsumi then arrived already hearing about the situation.

"His body his running with too much power and he is too injured to try and suppress it meaning we will have to defeat him."said toji.

Tatsumi then rushed at Takashi as he held amenogozen in his hand.