chapter 30

Tatsumi and his teammates were in a stand-off as all the surrounding genins ran far away knowing that great destruction was about to take place.

Mitsumi used minds eye of the kagura to look at tatsumi's body as she realized that he has temporarily lost the the ability to use nen meaning he has no access to gravity manipulation.

"He can't use his hats but we still don't know the capabilities of his dojutsu."said Mitsumi."We can't underestimate him his abilities can be very unpredictable."said Takashi.

They all nodded at each other as they rushed towards tatsumi."First form unknowing fire."said kushina as she swung her flaming katana towards tatsumi.

Tatsumi blocked the attack but toji appeared behind him as he used thunder breathing first form thunder clap and flash six fold as he flew towards tatsumi at lighting speed.

Clang! Both their swords connected tatsumi countered sending toji skidding back as Takashi appeared behind tatsumi using soru.

"Wind breathing second form claws purifying wings."said Takashi as a giant wind slash rushed at Tatsumi cutting down several trees.

Tatsumi disappeared in a flash of light appearing a few meters away.The moment he appeared a giant fist of rock rushed towards him.

Tatsumi cut the rock fist in half as he then noticed a giant wave of fire rushing towards him.Tatsumi countered the flames with a tiger made of pure light.

BOOM! A small explosion accured blowing away several trees.The area was covered in some smoke but toji used this as an opportunity to try and kick tatsumi in the face.

Tatsumi blocked the kick with a kick of his own as both tatsumi and toji skid back.A wave of mercury shuriken rushed towards tatsumi.

The shurikens were blocked by a shield made of light created by tatsumi.Once the rain of shurikens ended tatsumi disapated the barrier as his face still had a cruel look on it.

"Wind breathing self created form dancing wind dragon.Water breathing constant flux combined attack sea dragons roar."said mitsumi and Takashi as two dragons made of wind and water collided causing a devastating attack that was aimed at tatsumi.

The attack ripped through the forest as it headed straight for tatsumi.Tatsumi held out his hand as a portal opened up causing the attack to be redirected towards kushina and toji.

Kushina and toji leaped out of the way as they watched as dozens of trees were shredded to pieces by the attack.

Tatsumi appeared above kushina as he struck his sword down towards her.kushina was able to evade it but a slash still cut her shoulder.

She then realized tatsumi was not using his potent attacks or his elemetalization.The others realize this as they came up with a plan on how to defeat him.

But tatsumi wasn't the only one exhausted as everyone as overexerted their abilities causing their stamina and reflexes to drop.

Kushina released dozens of chakra chains at tatsumi hoping to entangle him.Tatsumi cut the chains to pieces as kushina appeared infront of him swinging her sword at him.

Tatsumi blocked the attack as the two threw attacks at each other back and forth as small cuts appeared all over kushina's body but tatsumi remained unharmed.

A bolt of lightning rushed at Tatsumi it was toji who kicked tatsumi in the stomach.Tatsumi used tekai to harden his muscles as he tanked the attack.

Giant spikes of solid mercury then rushed at Tatsumi as both kushina and toji jumped away.Tatsumi fired a massive beam of light absolutely obliterating the spikes.

Out of nowhere giant hands made of rock immerged from the ground as they rushed towards tatsumi.Tatsumi jumped in the air as he cut the rock hands to pieces.

Mitsumi then appeared above tatsumi as her hand was in the form of a metal spear as she pierced tatsumi in the abdamin causing him to jump away as blood poured from the wound.

Tatsumi's eyes then started to glow brighter as giant paladin knights immerged from the ground covered in armor wielding spears and swords made of light.

Takashi slashed one of the golem in half from the waist down but it just reattached itself as Takashi jumped away.


A massive explosion accured as the golems blew up upon tatsumi's command as a large area of the forest was destroyed causing the forest that was once green and vibrant to seem like a destroyed waist land.

Kushina,toji,mitsumi,and Takashi were currently lbarey standing as they were all heavily injured by the explosion.

Tatsumi them walked towards them but kushina poofed into smoke as she appeared behind tatsumi injecting her ben inside of him to try and stabilize his body.

Tatsumi screamed in pain as his scorched body fell to the ground his dojutsu deactivating as kushina dropped to her knees panting.

Kushina looked at tatsumi whose body was healing at a fast pace his injuries quickly disapearing even for an Uzumaki his regenerative and healing abilities were special.

She stared at her other teammates as they had only survived that due to a incomplete perfect cube they were barely able to form all together bit everyone was severely injured and fatigued.

Kushina then heard dozens of footsteps rushing towards them as she grabbed her sword.