chapter 31

Kushina, mitsumi,toji and Takashi stood back to back as they looked at the smug faces of all the iwa,kiri, kumo and even leaf ninja.

"So Takashi you got any ideas on how we are going to defeat them without reawakening tatsumi."asked mitsumi.

"His body is in a state of calming down but if that state is broken it's likely he will become mindless and try to kill us all ."said toji.

"We don't have time for discussion it's likely these ninja are too afraid of him due to the raw bloodlust coming from his body to even approach him."said Takashi.

"Yeah but you've seen these guys all their braincells are fighting to escape their head."said toji.

"Are they really not concerned about us we have them totally cornered."said hyuga hiashi.Hiashi looked at where toji was only to realize he was not their.

Hiashi was entangled by chains as all the genin behind him fell to the ground."I guess the byakugans vision is not as good as they say."said toji.

Hiashi tried to utilize his chakra but it was completely cut off as he couldn't even move a muscle.A shadow then tried to grab toji but it was immediately destroyed by his nen.

"Shadow possession jutsu your the nara we met before."said toji looking at shikaku.A palm strike was then aimed at toji's chest by hyuga hizashi.

Toji grabbed his arm as he kicked hizashi in the stomach hizashi immediately fell to the ground in pain as walked past him.

Genin from all the villages started to attack the group but toji, mitsumi,Takashi, and kushuna were running through their ranks a new body falling to the ground every second.

The group stopped their rampage as the only ninja left were namikaze Minato and the ino shika cho trio.

Kushina and the others saw them as no threat but because they couldn't bear the thought of a another stage to this exam that had to be taken down.

Toji disappeared appearing behind Minato and the others as they all fell to the ground unconscious."This exam is completely over now let's just get to that towaer I'm tired of this boring forest."said toji.

The group was about to leave but a ginormous dragon that wore similar armor to the paladins tatsumi summoned earlier.

"What that thing it seems to be one of tatsumi's creation but that impossible he's still unconscious."said kushina.

"It must have been what he was trying to create when he summoned those strange soldiers but for some strange reason the creature has only just awakened."said mitsumi.

"But hiw do we defeat something like that it is far strong and we don't even posses our full power "said kushina gritting her teeth.

"That things strength is equal to a bijuu and without tatsumi here to give it orders it will carry out the one thing tatdumi wanted before falling unconscious it wants to destroy."said Takashi.