chapter 36

Tatsumi stood in a konoha training ground as he looked at the moon floating around the night sky."I wonder if hamura's decendents have started killing each other off yet."Thought Tatsumi as he stared at the night sky.

He then heard some noise coming from the bushes as he turned towards it his once purple eyes his once purple eyes that are now bright green shining under the night sky.

He then vanished from where he was as he reappeared seconds later holding a brown haired boy by rhe collar.

"Nawaki what are you doing here I thought I told you not to follow me."said Tatsumi as he looked at Nawaki.

"I won't leave you alone until you teach me a technique."replied Nawaki."So that's why you all are here."said Tatsumi as he turned to the trees.

Kushina and the others walked out from the shadows along with nawaki's teammates."I thought you said you would stop skipping dinner the uzukage is quite worried you know."said toji.

"It's not like I'm hungry anyway and the uzukage always knows where I am anyway."replied tatsumi.

"But still you have not been acting like yourself you know all the villages have you as a dangerous threat."said kushina.

"That dies not concern me in the slightest afterall what the major villages do have nothing to do with me."said Tatsumi.

"You idiot do you not understand that a war is coming up and uzushio is likely to be dragged into it."shouted kushina.

"Calm down kushina no need to get so fired up I'd tatsumi isn't acting like himself we'll just have to force him to tell us what's wrong."said Takashi.

Tatsumi had not yet tell anyone that he was no longer human but he wasn't afraid of them treating him differently but did not want any trouble associated with his friends.

"You guys are not going to leave me alone so alright what do you all want?"asked tatsumi."I wasn't you to teach me."said nawaki.

"Okay then I'll teach you if you're able to land one hit on me without me using my abilities."said Tatsumi to nawaki.

"So why are you guys here considering how you're training went you all are surely not ready for more."said Tatsumi.

They all shivered at the mention of tatsumi's torturous training."That was not training that was a one sided beat down for almost half of it!"shouted mitsumi.

"But it was very effective in training you all."replied tatsumi."Yeah right we know like 30 percent of that training was not necessary."said kushina.

Tatsumi shook his head as he looked at them.So why are you guys here again."We want you to come and hang out with us there is massive celebration going on."said toji.

"And how exactly are you guys planning to afford that when you spent all your money on useless souvenirs?"asked tatsumi.

"Hey those souvenirs weren't useless."replied Takashi."And why do you think we came to get you?"asked toji.

"I am not going to waste all my money at a festival."said Tatsumi."Okay I guess we'll just have to tell grandpa you destroyed another section of the konoha forest and got into an altercation with that weird old man."said kushina."

Tatsumi's eyes twitched they were really blackmailing him."Fine I'll come to the damn festival."said Tatsumi.

"And hiw do you all know about my altercation with danzo?"asked tatsumi."It literally happened in the middle of the street."said Takashi.

Well if that old man kept his hands to himself and minded his own business I wouldn't have almost chopped off his head.