chapter 37

Tatsumi p.o.v

It has been two months since the chunin exams in that time the second shinobi war broke out and kumo and kiri declared war on uzu.

kumo and kiri shinobi have been trying to infiltrate the village but so far all of them have been killed or captured along with a few spies we found.

The war between uzu and kiri has only been small skirmishes but its only a matter of time since a full on war breaks out.

Since me and my teammates became jonin we have been assigned to patrol uzu's waters from advancing shinobi.

So far there have been barely any so the uzukage assigned me a mission to start teaching some of the genin and even a few chunin.

I don't know why but I really enjoy teaching I had kusu patrol from the skies so toji and the others could help me teach the few genin and chunin.

Many people were curious why my hair colour and eye colour changed but after explaining the situation everyone was really accepting.

I was suprised they were unbothered by the fact I could no longer use chakra but ashina told me I shouldn't be as Uzumaki's are pretty understanding most of the time anyways.

A sword came from above as I looked up and saw sora one of my friend's and I person I have been training.

I made him a deal if he was able to hit me I'd teach him the advanced stages of nen so he and a few others have been attacking me non stop.

I grab Sora's arm as I swiftly pinned him to the ground."You got me again however I bet you did not see this coming."just I heard sora say that hundreds of kunai and shuriken rained down at me.

I grabbed Sora's sword as I then used it to cut all the oncoming kunai and shuriken to pieces.

Third person p.o.v

Tatsumi looked down at all the destroyed kunai as he saw dozens of explosion tags scattered all around him.


A giant explosion accured as dozens of surrounding trees were blown away as a giant smoking crater was right where tatsumi was standing.

A boy around tatsumi's age jumped out of the trees as he looked at sora."Did we finally get him?"asked the boy anxiously.

"I not sure ayashi but knowing tatsumi he likely avoided the explosion."replied sora."Wow you two had good planning unfortunately it wasn't enough."said Tatsumi as he appeared behind both of them.

Kusu then flew down from the sky as he landed right infront tatsumi."Master I spotted a few ships headed this way!"