chapter 38

Tatsumi looked at kusu as he grabbed both ayashi and sora.Hey Tatsumi what are you doing put us down!protested ayashi.

"Kusu take these two to the village ingorm kushina and the others gather back up."said Tatsumi.

Kusu nodded his head as he flew off.hundreds of figurse appeared behind tatsumi as his eyes had a a golden colour emanating from them.

Tatsumi flew up into the air as he saw many ships approaching the island."Someone cut off the barriers."said Tatsumi to himself.

"It's only kumogakure attacking its not all three nations however they are probably planning to block uzu off from konoha."said Tatsumi.

"Ragon gather the light paladins scout the entire village kill all non uzu ninja and use the eye of truth to interrogate any one suspicious is they are a spie kill them on the spot."ordered Tatsumi.

Ragon bowed his head before he vanished.Tatsumi grabbed amenogozen as he saw many jonins running on water towards the village.

"Are they stupid why would they go on the ocean in a clan dominated by wind and water user."said toji who had arrived beside Tatsumi.

"Well their stupidity works to our advantage now let's go kill them all."said mitsumi.

"Who knows they could be planning a trap for all we know many of our own shinobi have already betrayed us."said kushina.

"That doesn't matter traitors share the same faith as the enemy and that faith is death."said Takashi coldly as he walked out of the forest bodies of uzumaki shinobi laying on the ground behind him their blood painting the grass red.

A kumo jonin then arrived infront of them as he had a maniacal look on his face.

"What's thus five little."before the kumo ninja could speak kushina had already taken off his head as his body fell into the ocean.

The other kumo ninja's stopped dead in their tracks before they reconized Tatsumi and his team as the monsters who had completely outclassed everyone in the chunin exams.

Mitsumi stepped unto the water as she outstretched her sword."Water breathing eleventh form dead calm."

Mitsumi appeared to be still but the bodies of countless kumo ninja got cut to pieces their blood painting the clear blue water red.

Other uzumaki reinforments arrived as ashina appeared behind tatsumi."I take it the bodies of those ninjas were traitors."said ashina.

"Yes I caught them trying to kidnap kids from the orphanage and taking them towards kumo nin."replied Takashi.

"I thought so I guess I let the uzumaki clan slip from my grasp in my time as patriarch."said ashina.

The sea water started to covulge as the combined force of the Uzumaki combining their chakra created a giant wave ripping up and sinking many kumo ships.

Many Kumo nin tried to flee but dozens of chains pierced their bodies as they fell into sea as pure terror on swept their faces.

Tatsumi ran onto the ocean but despite his lack of chakra he did not sink as he struck down over a dozen kumo nin as blood spilled all over his face.

Dozens of jutsu rushed at him coming from the ninja who were on the ships but he sumplswung his sword as a portal opened up redirecting the ninjutsu's towards one of the ships.

The ship immediately got struck by their own attacks as the ship started to sink into the ocean my ninja jumping into the sea and dome unto other ships to try and avoid drowning.

The ninja who fell into the sea were immediately cut to pieces by toji as he appeared out of nowhere ready to cause mayhem and destruction.