chapter 39

The kumo ninja had all started to retreat as allthe shops sailed off the cost of uzu.

"Should we chase them down uzukage sama?"asked tatsumi."No we have some traitors to deal with."replied ashina.

"About that I might of ordered ragin to kill them all."said Tatsumi.Tatsumi then got hit on the head by ashina.

"You idiot how are we gonna get answers from them!"said ashina."Jeez oldman I ordered him to interrogate them before killing them."said Tatsumi.

"But still you can't just go around murdering them we could have used them as Bait think before you act."said ashina.

"It's was in the moment besides it's not like the kumo ninja valued them anyway."replied tatsumi.

"Alright let's just go the whole clan is in shambles and you two are arguing like children!"shouted kaya.

"She's right we can't argue about anything now we need to go check on the state of the civilians."said Takashi.

"Alright all go scout around the island and try to reconnect the barriers."said toji.

"We'll go check on all the kids and civilians along with the genin."said kushina as sheand mitsumi ran off.

"I'll go help toni set up the barriers and take down any shinobi who infiltrated the village."said Takashi as he and toji vanished.

"Well I guess since the others are doing everything I guess I'll go check on ragons progress."said Tatsumi as he wad about to run off.

"Oh no you don't your coming with us to the meeting with the elders and the other jonins "said kaya grabbing tatsumi's collar.

"Do I have too the others didn't have to go and their alsi jonin."said Tatsumi.Yes but as the unofficial anbu commander you have to go besides your technical their sensei."replied ashina.

"Wait when did I become unofficial anbu commander?"asked tatsumi."The counsil decided it a week ago once I volunteered you and with your expertise and leadership skills you got the position."replied ashina.

"Why wasn't I informed about this?"asked tatsumi."We were planning to tell you tonight at the summit."replied ashina.

Tatsumi was about to ask another question but kaya grabbed him and sprinted in the direction of the village.

The three of them arrived at the meeting as everyone had grim looks on their faces.

"Patriarch sama you have arrived "said one of the elders."Yes toru how did the battle on the south of the island go?"asked ashina.

"We were able repel the kymi nin but over a hundred ninja were injured and twenty were killed."replied toru.

"Furthermore we discovered several traitors in our ranks.They were responsible for sabotaging the barrier luckily most of them were only level ten seal masters with not much knowledge of too much advanced techniques."said another elder named katsushi.

"That would explain how those genin hot access to Uzumaki seals in the chunin exams."said Tatsumi.

Ragon appeared behind tatsumi as many light paladins held Uzumaki civilians who were going to be captured in their arms as some geld many high level Uzumaki seals.

Master we discovered some traitors handing over women and children to iwa and kiri.We not only killed the traitors but also took the enemy ninja's hostage.said shogo.

"We also got the seals from the traitors but we discovered something far worst they had leaked uzu's layout to the enemy."said ritose in a grim voice.

Everyone gasped as it finally clicked why they were infiltrated so easily.