chapter 40

Tatsumi sat in a office chair as he leaned back in the chair."I'm so glad I don't have the problem of completing paperwork."said Tatsumi.

Toji then walked into the office as he walked up towards tatsumi."You sure seem to be doing well ever since you became anbu commander.

"The mission completion rate has gone up and casualties have become non existent."said toji a small smile on his face.

"It's actually not hard to be anbu commander I just do some paper work and train the recruits."replied tatsumi.

"If inventing that new armor you made was easy I would be the richest man alive."said toji.

"Seriously how did you manage to make an armor with an adjustable size and weight able to be self repaired by injecting chakra into it and having seals able to store any weapon or rations without weighing down your body?"asked toji.

"Wouldn't be a secret if I told you would it."said Tatsumi.

"Fair enough now for what I came to inform you about I'm not sure of you remembered but you have to train all the anbu recruits today."said toji.

"Oh that's today i completely forgot."said Tatsumi rubbing the back of his head.

"Master I reminded you about it earlier today."said ritose."For someone with great leadership qualities your kinda irresponsible."said toji as ragon and the others agreed.

"Give me a break I've been busy the last few days. I guess you all are kinda right I could never handle the stress of becoming uzukage."Saud tatsumi.

"Anyway I got to go train the anbu recruits."said Tatsumi."So what are you planning on teaching them?"asked toji.

"Nothing much just a few breathing styles and techniques along with stamina control and body conditioning training."replied tatsumi.

"You are really pitting those recruits through the ringer."said toji."The Uzumaki physique has alot of potential.Unfortunately not many Uzumaki spend time building their strength and physique so I'm going to change that."replied tatsumi.

Tatsumi then walked out of the office as he disappeared appearing on the outskirts of the village in a isolated part of the forest.

Tatsumi started walking through the forest as his clothes switched to a red battle Armour similar to the one worn by madara with black anbu style pants and a shinigamimask on his face.

Thousands of kunai and shuriken then flew at tatsumi as he stood in place the kunai and shuriken seemingly passing through his body but in reality he was moving too fast for anyone to notice.


A massive explosion sounded as dozens of explosive kunai went off all at once decimating a large part of the forest.

Tatsumi appeared from the explosion unscathed as dozens of people started to flicker above him as hundreds of chains rushed at him.

Tatsumi unsheated his sword as he swung it cutting up all the chakra chains as the chains disintegrated.

"Fire style fie dragon bullet. Wind style wind dragon bullet."said all the figures in unicen as all the different wind and fire dragons combined creating a giant fire dragon that rushed at Tatsumi.

"Water breathing first form water surface slash."said Tatsumi as a giant wave of water collided with the fire dragon creating a large amount of steam.

"I'm glad to see that you all have made progress since we last met however it not enough."said Tatsumi.

Chains erupted from the ground grabbing all the figures hiding in the shadows pinning them to the ground.

"Enough fooling around its time for training to begin."said Tatsumi.