chapter 44

Tatsumi was walking through the land of rain.His teammates went towards the konoha camp.

He had decided to carry on the mission of looking for Uzumaki's by himself.

"I wonder where negato's parents live or if they have died yet."Said tatsumi.

"Nagato's is probably only a small child probably a baby so likely his parents are still alive."said Tatsumi.

Tatsumi then saw a small little girl shivering in the cold.He looked at her recognizing her as konan one of Negato's friends.

"It seems the three of them have not met yet meaning nagato's parents are likely still alive."said Tatsumi to himself.

Tatsumi walked up to konan as he looked at her with a small smile.

"Hello why is a little girl like you all alone in the rain?"asked tatsumi.

"I have nowhere else to go."said konan in a shy voice.Tatsumi could tell she was suspicious of him.

This was because no one has ever gone out if their way to help another person in these times muchless an orphan.

"Don't be afraid I'm not here to hurt you."Said tatsumi as he used gravity to direct the rainfall away from konan.

A small blanket if light rapped around konan's body.This caused the scratches and wounds on her body to start to heal.

Tatsumi opened the system space as he yook a box from it.He opened the box revealing a variety of different foods.

Konan's eyes went wide as no one has ever been so kind to her."Why are you helping me?"asked konan.

" Because it's the right thing to do when you see a person in need."replied Tatsumi.

"Besides I couldn't just watch a young child die of hunger in the rain."said Tatsumi.

"But you don't look that much older than me."said konan."I guess your right."Said tatsumi as he chuckled.

"Now eat up I can tell your very hungry."said Tatsumi.Konan started to eat as tatsumi turned his head sensing something.

A group of konoha ninja then came from the bushes noticing the two of them.

"Hey what are you two kids doing here."Said a konoha ninja.

Konan hid behind tatsumi as she got scared."It's alright I'm a ninja from the Uzumaki clan."said Tatsumi holding up his headband.

"Yeah right Uzumaki's have red hair and a kid like you can't be one of the Uzumaki they sent to assist us."said another konoha ninja.

Tatsumi ignored them as he turned towards konan."How would you like to come with me. My freinds would love to meet you."said Tatsumi.

"Hey kid don't ignore us."said the konoha ninja as he walked towards tatsumi.

"You all are so annoying."said Tatsumi as the two konoha ninjas dropped to the ground.

Tatsumi's eyes started to glow as he looked at the two shinobi.

"Wait I reconize that kid now. He's the one who defeated both the eight and two tails jinjuriki in the chunin exams."Said the konoha ninja in panic.

"Oh so you finally reconized me you can both leave tell Sakumo I'll be there soon."said Tatsumi in a nice tone.

"He's just like they say a demon in sheep's clothing."said the second konoha ninja to his partner as they ran away.

"Okay konan it's time for us to go meet my freinds."Tatsumi grabbed konan before she could protest.

The two then vanished in a flash of light.They then appeared off base of the konoha camp where tatsumi saw his teammates.

"Tatsumi who's that little girl with you?Don't tell me you kidnapped her."said toji.