chapter 45

Tatsumi's teammates looked at him with a questioning look."So Tatsumi why did you kidnap a child?"asked Takashi.

"I did not kidnap her I saw her sitting in an alleyway in the rain."Said tatsumi.

"And you decided to bring a small child to a shinobi camp."Said mitsumi.

"Where was I supposed to bring her I can't just let a helpless child starve to death."Said tatsumi.

"We get that but you really think bringing a child to an active war zone was a good idea."said toji.

"What do you mean we're children we are literally not supposed to be here."said Tatsumi.

"You know that's not what we mean we are trained ninja she is a child."said kushina.

"And besides whose gonna take care of her none of us can properly care fir a child."Saud mitsumi.

"What do you mean I've been taking care of you guys fir years."said Tatsumi.

"No you haven't been taking care of us this whole time."said Takashi.

"I literally have cook every meal we eat."said Tatsumi.

"You have a point but your still too irresponsible to be a romodel for a child."said mitsumi calmly.

"Hold on a minute I never said I was gonna raise her."said Tatsumi.

"Well its too late congratulations you are now here legal guardian."said toji.

"Wait wait so you guys are just gonna dump all the responsibilities on me."said Tatsumi.

"Yeah pretty much you did bring her here afterall."Said Takashi.

"Wait can't we just being her back to the village and find a family to adopt her."Said tatsumi.

"Too late she's literally attached to you she follows you everywhere."Said kushina.

"Well tatsumi goodluck you're now a father."Said toji patting tatsumi on the shoulder.

"What no I'm sure Wait what did you just say?"asked tatsumi.

"Well tatsumi you have no one to blame but yourself people may even think your related."said toji.

"I'm not fit to raise a child she's only five years younger than me if anything I'm more like her older brother."Said tatsumi.

"Alright jokes aside we have to find away to take care if this child."said mitsumi.

"Yes but it's not good for her to be this close to the battle field.Besides none of us have time to care for her."said kushina.

"I could just have one of my light guards take care of her."said Tatsumi.

"The way you use these light guards of yours for the simplest things are gonna cause them to rebel against you."Said toji.

"Wait I got it just take a quick trip back to uzu and have the uzukage or kushina's mother watch her while we're gone."Said Takashi.

"That could work but she may be discriminated against and people may treat her as an outsider."said mitsumi.

"Normally that wouldn't be the case but with recent events the people of uzu are very tense."Said kushina.

"I could just use my light abilities to manipulate her appearance and give her red tatsumi."said Tatsumi.

Someone then walked into their tent as they swiftly turned their heads.