chapter 46

Tatsumi stood with danzo and sakumo and tge future sanin in a tent as they were about to discuss their plan of action.

"So tomorrow we will engage in a battle with the sand we need to have counter measures to their poison."said tsunade.

"Oh poison you don't have to worry about that."said Tatsumi.

"My light is adept at killing a destroying many things in the body which also includes poison."Said tatsumi.

"Even if what you say is true how will it protect all of our shinobi."said danzo.

"I was getting to that I can distribute my light throughout their bodies in battle. Giving them a counter against the poison."Said tatsumi.

"But his will we know it works."said sakumo."Alright since you all have doubts I'll show you."said Tatsumi.

"I presume you all have a sample of the poison."Said tatsumi.

Yes we do actually said tsunade as she handed him a bottle wuth poison aling with some needles.

Tatsumi held the sample as he stabbed the poison needles into his hand.

Purple bumps started to appear on tatsumi's hand as everyone watched as light covered his hand.

All traces of the poison then vanished from tatsumi's body as ge looked at sakumo.

"If you think it's just my vitality and natural healing ability.I will be more than happy to taste the poison on someone else."Said tatsumi.

"No no that's enough proof."said jiriah.:So is their anything else that should be addressed?"asked tatsumi.

"No that was all."Said danzo."okay then I shall take my leave."Said tatsumi as he walked out of the tent.

"I'm so glad I can finally leave that meeting was so boring."Said tatsumi.

He then sensed something as he sent a light beam towards the ground.

White zetsu then sunked into the ground as tatsumi used his dojutsu to spot it.

"Another one that mama's boy zetsu doesn't give up does he."said Tatsumi.

The white zetsu spore was then pierced through the chest.

Tatsumi then flew into the air as he looked up towards the moon.

"I wonder if hamura's decendents have killed each other yet."Said tatsumi.

"This world is so boring I want to go somewhere else but hey I can't really be ungrateful fir a second chance at life."said Tatsumi.

He then arrived into the tent that was set up for konan as he considered going inside.

"I should probably change her appearance tomorrow. And not now as she'll probably freak out if I do it now."

"Tatsumi we have found a new lead about a family of red heads who run a small hospital."Said kushina.

"Yeah and have you found the location?"asked tatsumi.

"No not yet but toji has set out searching for information."replied kushina.

"So how was the meeting?"asked kushina."Boring as usual."replied tatsumi.

"I should have expected that response from you."Said kushina.

"I'm just being honest I couldn't care less about those meetings."said Tatsumi.

"Yeah my mom told me she had to drag you to the last one."Said kushina.

"I got that job against my will I like having minimum responsibilities."Saud tatsumi

"You say that but you seem to really enjoy teaching."Saud kushina.

"I guess your right but I better get going aftersll I have to go create something to counter chiyo's poison."said Tatsumi.

"Oh and don't forget Takashi's birthday make sure to yet him something."said kushina.

"Sure I'll try."replied tatsumi as he disappeared.