chapter 47

Tatsumi looked at konan who was grabbing onto his leg.

"Don't worry I'll be back home soon the uzukage will take great care of you."Said tatsumi.

"I don't want to go can't I stay here with you."said konan in a pleading tone.

"No you can't be here you have to go with kusu he will bring you to the village."Said tatsumi.

Konan got a disappointed look on her face.She did not want to leave and go meet people she didn't know.

"I promise I'll be back in a few days I'll just have to complete my mission."Said tatsumi.

"Alright I'll go but you guys better come back."Said konan as tatsumi placed her on kusu's back.

Tatsumi watched as kusu flew back to uzu.A hand was then placed onto his shoulders as he saw Takashi looking towards him.

"She'll be fine orphans are treated quite well in uzu and afterall the uzukage loves children."said Takashi.

"I guess you're but it's time to go."said Tatsumi."Hey come on you two we have to go help the konoha ninja fight the hidden sand."said mitsumi.

"Can't you see were coming."Said tatsumi."Hey tatsumi what's the plan for helping konoha?"asked toji.

Toji then grabbed a bottle tatsumi tossed at him as it contained a golden liquid.

Mitsumi stared at it in curiosity."What is this looks like some kind of potion."said mitsumi.

"Yeah congrats you're right it's a healing potion."Said tatsumi.

"How many of these did you make?"asked Takashi."About thirty thousand bottles overnight.why are you asking."replied tatsumi.

"Well depends on how good it is we could mass produce and sell it."Said toji.

"Wait thirty thousand how long did that even take!"Saud kushina as she walked towards him.

"It took me about seven hours I barely slept last night."replied tatsumi.

Toji opened the potion bottle and drank tge golden liquid."This taste terrible."said toji dropping the bottle.

"But my chakra and nen reserves have been replenished and my body feels more energetic."said toji.

"Glad it works now let's go deliver these to the battlefield."said Tatsumi.

They all rushed off into the forest.A black figure came from the ground as it smiled maniacally.

"Normal shinobi won't be able to defeat that creature.But with the help of a few jinjuriki that beast should be easily captured."said black zetsu as it sunk back into tge ground.

Tatsumi's team arrived on the battlefield as they ran into the medical tent.

Tatsumi immediately noticed tsunade as he handed her a scroll.

"This scroll contains thr healing potion's meant to counter the poison."Said tatsumi.

"Thank you very much konoha is forever in your debt."Saud tsunade.

"Don't worry it's nothing much just try the potion for your self."Said kushina.

Tsunade nodded her head as she grabbed a potion and fed it to an injured ninja.

The wounds on the ninja's body started to heal as he got up and opened his eyes.

"I'm cured the poison it's gone."said the ninja happily."Thank you for curing me Uzumaki anbu commander."Said the ninja happily.

"It's no problem but call me tatsumi."saud tatsumi as he walked out of the tent.

He saw countless konoha ninja running from a giant figure.

"The one tails how interesting."Said toji as he grabbed his katana.