chapter 48

Toji appeared on the shoulder of shukakaku startling the beast.

"What is he doing is he stupid."Said chiyo.Shikiaku lifted his hand as he slapped his own shoulder.

Toji jumped as he grabbed his katana."Thunder breathing first form thunder clap and flash."Said toji as he vanished.

Shukaku's hand was then cut to pieces as toji appeared infront of shukaku.

Toji kicked shikaku in the face sending him stumbling back.Toji then used his chains to bind shukaku.

He wrote a seal on his palm as he placed it on the head of shukaku.

"Damn human I'll kill you."said shukaku as he reverted back into his jinjuriki.

"That was not as fun as I thought it be."Said toji as he looked at bunpuku.

"The one tails is made of sand so it's naturally weak in rain.But I still expected it to bring you some challenge."said Takashi.

"Wow that guy is strong he must be the one who became a anbu commander at 12."Said a konoha ninja.

"No that's not him that's the blue haired one I heard he defeated both of kumo's jinjuriki."said another konoha ninja.

Hundreds of needles then rushed towards tatsumi as he looked at them.

He lifted up his hand as all the needles were blown away."It's time to end this."said kushina.

Mitsumi nodded her head.mitsumi placed her hand of the ground.

Dozens of spikes then rushed towards the sand ninja.The spikes crushed at pierced the bodies of many sand ninja.

Kushina appeared behind the puppet brigade as fire covered her sword.

Her chains shot from her back destroying countless puppets and killing many puppeteers.

She clasped her hands as a giant arrow made of fire shot towards the remaining members if the puppet brigade.

The fire arrow incinerated seventy percent of the remaining puppeteers as the others ran in fear.

Chiyo's puppet then appeared behind kushina intending to stab her with a poison needle.

Mitsumi appeared behind kushina as she cut tge puppet in half destroying it.

Takashi appeared behind chiyo as he sent a kick towards her head.

Chiyo's puppet blocked the kick but was immediately shattered by the impact.

Chiyi gritted her teeth as she yelled."All forces retreat now."

Chiyo tried to grab bunpuku but tatsumi appeared infront of her.

Tatsumi grabbed bunpuku's unconscious body but he was then hit by a sharp pain I'm his head.

His left eye then showed a projection of kusu who was panting.

"Master I have been ambushed by the four and five tails jinjuriki."said kusu.

"What but how you can fly."said Tatsumi."The seven tails jinjuriki also tried to attack me."replied kusu.

Tatsumi gritted his teeth as tge projection of kusu vanished.

Tge sand ninja then heard this as they all rushed towards tatsumi.

"I don't have time for this."said Tatsumi as he vanished.He then ran pass all the sand ni ja decapitating all of them.

By the time tatsumi was finished his rampage their were barely fifty sand shinobi left.

Chiyo had ran away deserting her troops as everyone on the battlefield looked at tatsumi who was covered in blood from head to toe.

His dojutsu then searched until he found kusu's energy as he vanished into thin air.