chapter 49

Tatsumi ran through the forest at light speed as he was in a panicked state.

"Zetsu,Uchiha madara I'll kill you both myself."Said tatsumi as light encased his body.

He then vanished as he appeared in a clearing where he witnessed kusu being cornered.

"Ding ding new mission as appeared captain seven tails jinjuriki and her back to uzu.does host wish to accept.?"

"I accept the mission."replied Tatsumi.

"Ding reprocussions for failure konan loses her bloodline.Does host still wish to accept?"

"Yes I still wish to accept."Said tatsumi.The system interface appeared as from it shinto amenogozen appeared.

Tatsumi grabbed the blade as he jumped ontop of kusu's back and grabbed the crying konan.

"Big brother Tatsumi you came."Said konan happily."Yes I did now stay right here as I deal with the bad guys."Said tatsumi.

A perfect cube then incased konan holding her in place as it floated in the air.

A giant wave of magma then rushed towards tatsumi.Seeing this tatsumi held out his hand as he firmed a light barrier.

The barrier blocked the attack as tatsumi's left eye tranformed into the karumigan.

But his right pupil looked like a mirror of the universe itself as it was brightly colored galaxies seeming to orbit inside it.

The five tails jinjuriki han looked at tatsumi with slight amazement.

"Our plan to lure you here worked now it shall be you're demise."said roshi.

"I am afraid you three are sadly mistaken it is you three who shall die today."

A giant wave of steam rushed at Tatsumi as he avoided it jumping on kusu's back as he looked at his three opponents.

"Kusu you must be tired take a rest for now."Said tatsumi."Thank you master."said kusu as he vanished.

"That was a very stupid move you think you can defeat all three of us by yourself."said han.

"No I don't think I can i know I can afterall I faced abd defeated two bijuu before."replied tatsumi.

A giant wave if lava flew towards tatsumi.Tatsumi clasped his hand as the lava was then evaporated by a giant wave of light.

Han appeared infront of tatsumi as he sent a punch towards his face.

Tatsumi grabbed his hand as he kicked him in the stomach sending him flying into a three.

A biju bomb from the seven tails then rushed at


As giant hand made of light grabbed the bijuu bomb at threw it towards roshi.

Boom! A giant explosion sounded as roshi narrowly doged the bijuu bomb

Tatsumi appeared behind tishi who was covered in a cloak with three tails behind him.

Tatsumi sent his sword towards rishi's neck as he managed to block it with his chakra cloak.

Tatsumi smirked as dozens of swords then pierced into roshi's body as he let out a loud scream.

Tatsumi then jumped away as hand sent a brutal dropkick towards his head.

The kick landed on the ground as it cracked from the impact of the kick.

Tatsumi appeared behind the seven tails jinjuriki as he fired a light beam towards her.

She narrowly evaded it as tatsumi kicked her in the face sending her flying towards the ground.

Natsura git up as she looked at tatsumi as she held her kunai panting.

Tatsumi noticed that she had scars covering her entire body. Meaning she was likely mistreated by her village.

He did not want to kill her as he didn't kill children.And the mission Said he should capture her not kill her.

A cloaked figure then jumped infront of tatsumi as the strangers eyes beneath the hood glowed purple.