chapter 50

Tatsumi knew who thus figure was.His eyes could see threw time and space.

So seeing threw a cloak was not that difficult.The person or thing was black zetsu.

Not many people know this but black zetsu is capable of doing many things kaguya can.

But on a much weaker scale.He could have probably completed his plan earlier if he had trained.

"Roshi let me out I want to fight the one who defeated my brother."Said son goku.

"Alright I'll let you out but don't too much damage we need him alive."said roshi.

Red chakra flared around roshi as he slowly began to turn into the figure of a gorilla.

Han had also tranformed into tge five tails kokuo as both tailed beast stared down at tatsumi.

"It seems like it's the chunin exams all over again."said Tatsumi as he cracked his knuckles.

He clasped his hands as hundreds of light paladins came from the ground.

The light paladins then all started to fuse as a giant light figure that looked exactly like a Buddha statue appeared behind tatsumi.

The budha was more than five time's the size of the four and five tails combined.

Tatsumi jumped on the head of this figure as he looked towards black zetsu.

"Oh no it's the first hokage all over again."said son goku.

"Yeah but the first hokage was the reincarnation of him.This person doesn't have any chakra that belonged to one of them."said kokuo.

The tailed beast then noticed a figure jumped infront of them as black zetsu activated the rinnegan.

The two tailed beast were then almost caught in a genjutustu. But tatsumi appeared above black zetsu and kicked him to the ground.

"Why does black zetsu have the rinnegan and what dies that mean fir Uchiha madara."said Tatsumi to himself.

"I don't have time to think of that now I can't let zetsu capture the tailed beast."said Tatsumi to himself.

A giant perfect cube the incased both the four and five tails along with natsura.

"What is going on here why can't I break this barrier."shouted son goku.

Kokuo tried releasing a tailed beast bomb but giant hands made of light grabbed onto her.

The hands made of light pressed her and son goku down as natsura watched in terror.

Light particles then fell from tge barrier as it caused all three of them to pass out.


A giant Shinra tense then flew from blacj zetsu's palm as it rushed towards tatsumi.

Tatsumi was unfazed as he raised his hand the Shinra tensei was immediately repelled.

"You call that gravity manipulation I'll show you gravity manipulation."said Tatsumi.

Trees then uprooted out of the ground as every step tatsumi took the ground cracked beneath him.

Black zetsu's eyes then narrowed as he vanished appearing behind tatsumi.

A black rod was then sent towards tatsumi's head.Tatsumi evaded it as he was a bit surprised.

"Space time ninjustu."said Tatsumi to himself.A giant meteorite then fell from the sky down at tatsumi.

Black zetsu once again vanished but tatsumi grabbed his sword as he cut the meteorite to pieces.

A three headed dog then rushed at Tatsumi but it was immediately crushed by the giant Buddha's fist.

Hundreds of light beams then rushed at Black zetsu but he repelled them.

Black zetsu then clasped his hands as thousands of white zetsu's came from the ground.

"Light breathing eleventh form falling comet."