not a chapter

I have had a realization I realized I never really planned out where I wanted my first naruto fanfic to go.

Whether it was the characters or how I wanted to end the story.

Even after the redo I made the same mistakes nit planning out much of anything.

So I was planning to drop it for now until I figured out how tge story should go.

Maybe I'll just make a brand new version of it instead of just writing it all over.

I'm also going on a one week break to plan out how every one of my stories will go from this point.

I already planned out most of my fanfics but I want to plan them all out in more detail.

So yeah that's it I'll announce whether all fo a complete reboot of the first naruto series next week.

And if I do reboot it I'll remember not to put it on the novel section of web novel.