Chapter 34: Lonely Days

In the days that followed their heated exchange, Blaise and Lucien didn't really speak. Blaise deliberately made himself scarce, and Lucien barely even saw him.

Lucien thought he was well within his rights to ask about Blaise's feelings toward Raphael, although he could see why Blaise would want to keep it a secret.

'I shouldn't have slept with him,' Lucien thought, rubbing his temples. 'Why would I think I'm special? I'm as meaningless as all his other flings.'

Still, that thought couldn't make Lucien hate Blaise. In fact, he missed him dearly. Lucien would sit in the evenings in study by himself and practice his violin, but it felt so empty. And without Blaise to chat with, the nights felt long and boring.

He felt like he'd completely blown his chance to have something meaningful with Blaise, if he'd even had such a chance to begin with.