Accompany the Devil

Lucy entered in her apartment with light steps. As she switched on the lights of the place, her eyes entertained the kitchen and how messy the situation was around.

A deep sigh escaped her lips while mumbling some curses for her brother until she kept all her bags on the couch.

'I will surely kill Adam once he returns home.' Lucy's mind strongly predicted how to torture her elder brother who had left a mess behind himself.

The packets of waffles and cans of drinks were gathered around every corner. It strongly gave her the intuition that some of her brother's friends were there and he took the leave along with them without cleaning around.

Lucy licked her lips and clipped her hair into a high bun. Some strands of hair were still lying loose but she didn't care to tug them back anymore. Instead, she brought them behind her ears and cleaned the living hall along with the kitchen.

After some time, the garbage bag was filled to its lid and Lucy took a deep breath to slump on the couch while closing her eyes. She was exhausted after office work and tired with no energy left even to lift her finger and question Adam about his actions.

Slowly and slowly, her eyelashes felt heavy. The urge to doze off rubbed her head and she snuggled on the couch in a more comfortable position in the hope to catch a nap before dinner.

Her lip pouted and warmness engulfed her in it.

But then, Lucy's phone rang and brought her out of her daze.

While picking it up without looking at the dealer, she answered in her sleepy tone, "H-Hello? Lucy Warner..."

"Lucy, sorry to call you after the office timings but we have got work." a sudden voice of Liam narrowed her brows.

Immediately the realization struck her mind and she saw the dialer, 'Liam is calling at this hour?'

"Lucy, are you there?" He called her name and she cleared her throat, "Y-Yes. What happened? What kind of emergency?" Lucy asked while catching hold of her surroundings.

"Actually we need to have a partner for today's banquet. Since the boss is attending for business purposes, you are requested to show up and go there with him as his partner and secretary too."

"Me?! B-But there are other secretaries as well who are wiser than me and those ladies... They have more experience with such kinds of banquets. H-How can I?" Lucy's face lost its color.

Going to a banquet meant changing clothes and getting ready. 'I need to catch sleep! Not to face those celebrities!' her mind roared in annoyance but Liam's strict orders were hard to defy.

"I understand that. However, our boss is personally asking for your presence. I guess you can take it as an experience. Since everyone already knows how to act in such a situation, you would learn more about such events." Liam told her from the other side of the phone and till this time, Lucy's face turned sour.

Despite how much she wanted to learn, accompanying her boss as a secretary was the last thing on her bucket list. Especially when she was the one who arranged his schedule in the morning and he had roared in her face like a lion for the same.

'Hitting my own foot.' but with no other option left in her hand, Lucy ended up agreeing to the words.

"Alright. Please be ready in an hour and a half. We will pick you up from your house. Dress sensibly." With his last words, Liam hung up and for a while, Lucy tried to resist the urge to sleep once more.

Yet her bubble to get ready in such a short time was burning her heart which ultimately led her to get up from the couch to walk, straighten up and draw a dress.

Before she could wear the same, Lucy decided to do her hair and makeup.

She chose a simple yet elegant look to curl some hair and let it be straight. Even without applying pressure hair, she felt the look of her dress nicely.

However, when she was curling her hair in the bathroom looking at the mirror in front of her eyes, she noticed Adam walking by her side and standing against the doorframe of the bathroom.

"Oh look, my sister is getting ready?! Such a nice sight to see." hearing his sarcastic comment Lucy didn't reply.

"Should I get angry at you for the mess you created at the house and left for me to clean it?"

"You shouldn't, your makeup will fall and this isn't what you want, right? Smile!" Adam boosted with a grin appearing on his lips. "I can see you've noticed the mess in the kitchen."

"I had to. Otherwise, did you want me to stay in such an unclean area?" Lucy passed him daggers but Adam was least bothered.

"C'mon my younger sister. I will give you a tip for that. How about dinner in one of your favorite restaurants? My treat!"

Hearing about the temptation option, Lucy changed her expression. She kept the curler down to see one side of her hair getting fluffy and started to curl the other side. "If you are giving me a treat, how can I miss it? Surely you can, but only you and me. None of your-"

" girlfriends. I promise. Siblings time." Adam told her and then his eyes moved to see the dress that lay on the bed. "By the way, I forgot to ask you. Why are you getting ready at this hour? Do you have plans to go somewhere?"

Lucy nodded her head while muttering, "A banquet to attend with my clumsy boss. You see, we are paid a good salary for work. A work deal to accompany him!"

Suddenly, the air around Adam turned chilly. He lifted his eyes to meet hers and a frown traced his forehead.

"Boss....Davis Walker? You are accompanying that devil to a party?"


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