
"Brother, he isn't bad as you say." Lucy clarified but it was hard to convince her brother.

Since he was bent on assuming that her boss was a bad person, involved in something wrong, she never tried to correct him as it was a waste of time.

However, to her dismay, Adam's narrowed eyes never left hers. "Lucy, you know that I don't like that guy. Is it necessary to go to that banquet with him? I don't want you to go!" Adam cried and his harshness with Lucy got better.

She sighed and looked at her brother who was now sitting on her bed in a growl mood. Her lips twisted and had to put down her curler and walk to him.

She kept her hand on his thighs and sat on her knees to hold his hand into hers, "You are overthinking, brother. He is not that bad or maybe he is, but what can he do to me? I'm not going to take part in his activities."

"You're dumb, Lucy."

There was no doubt in his eyes. Since a very young age, even in the orphanage, they have been each other's support.

Adam wasn't supportive when she took the role of Secretary in Walker's business. In fact, he threatened her to quit the job.

However, they had already taken the lease of the apartment and to pay the bill, she needed the job. Her brother's pay won't be able to sustain them in this famous country so easily.

Lucy blinked her eyes at him and tried of pursuing him.

In the end, Adam sighed and patted her head like a kid, "I hope you're not bringing any danger upon yourself, Lucy. You're my only family..."

"Don't worry, I will not endanger myself either. I would like to be alive and enjoy the life we are building....."

Suddenly, Lucy's mind wandered around their old hardships and then she shook her head. She should better not recall those times anymore.

Very soon, Lucy had worn the dress and looked no less than any model. She glanced at her pieces in the mirror and brought her hair behind her ears. Afterward, she wore one of the silver earrings and took the light blue heels. Getting the perfect look, her eyes turned into a crystal smile.

Just then her phone rang and she picked it up instantly, "We are waiting for you downstairs. Please come now."

Hearing this, Lucy jogged her legs to meet her boss, Aston Martin. Something she always wondered was how Davis Walker got his taste at peak in his cars.

Lucy went in their direction and knocked on their door. As expected, the door opened for her and she sat in the passenger seat.

But then, her eyes saw that Mr. Boss was actually driving the car. "Good evening..." then her eyes traveled to look at the rear and found Liam there. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Liam."

"You can call me Liam there, Lucy. We will be going to an informal banquet so we can drop the formalities for the night, right?" he winked at her and passed a gentle pass.

But this wasn't enough for the man, "You look beautiful. I never thought I would get to see you in this shining dress."

"Thank you for your compliment." subconsciously, she moved her eyes to find Davis still holding his icy expression. Those furrowed lines made her gulp and straighten up her back.

The car drive was filled with pin-drop silence until she noticed her boss slowing their car's speed.

And then her ears caught his words, "Do you know about your work there, Miss Warner?"

"Yes. I will assist you as your secretary at the parties and will remember all the important information and details," she answered in a serious and strict professional voice.

"But that isn't all I need you for." Lucy turned her face to view Davis with confusion, "Pardon?"

"You need to help me in making all the flies stay away.'' At first glance, Lucy found it odd to comprehend the deeper meaning. But then her eyes widened and turned normal to pass the nod. "i-I shall do that, Sir."

"Moreover, don't wander around without permission or informing me or Liam. We won't like you getting lost tonight. Please adhere to the instructions." Davis's lips moved in union and he had completely directed Lucy about her mission for tonight.

He had his inner motive in bringing her today. Maybe he was selfish but this was a good test to know whether she could live up to his expectations that are required as per the contract or not.

They reached their destination sooner than expected. When Lucy found the camera flashing, her mind turned jolly.

Instantly, she faced Davis with her hesitant voice, "I shall enter from the back. I-I don't think it will be appropriate for me to enter f-"

"No, you're coming with me for now. Liam will come from the back entrance." Davis was calm with his instructions and Lucy gulped nervously.

She turned her neck to look at the reporter's direction. 'I hope there are no further reports about this otherwise my brother will burn me alive.' taking a deep breath, she massaged her hand.

Unfortunately, Davis had already taken into account her expressions. Without keeping a single expression, he wanted to lead and his cold-hearted eyes darted her a glare. He brought his Aston Martin to the entry where the guards opened their respective doors. Since Lucy's side was leading straight to the door, she waited for Davis to come by her side.

His single look was hard to die for. The moment he stepped out of his car and buttoned up his coat, everyone's legs became jolly.

The least expected appearance of the day!

"Mr. Walker! Mr. Walker! Please pose for a picture."

"Mr. Walker, are you attending the banquet because your ex-girlfriend is going to show up?"

Thousands of questions were thrown at him but he paid no heed. He walked to Lucy and without hesitation, held her hand into his.

This action took Lucy aback but she plastered her gentle smile to grip her pounding heart. Davis led the way and she walked by his side.

In the middle of the lane, she could hear thousands of words from each side. They were curious about her background ...but Lucy had no wish of coming in front of tomorrow's newspaper. 'Please God, save me from this tension.'