What you desire the most

Jia Li stood before the mirror, resplendent in her vibrant red wedding attire. Her reflection revealed a moment frozen in time, with her makeup and hair awaiting their final touches.

With a graceful motion, she drew her arms close, admiring the intricate embroidery and the way the fabric draped around her. She then settled into the chair positioned in front of the ornate dresser, ready to complete her bridal transformation. 

It took an hour for Jia Li to get ready meticulously. Her mother, Empress Mingxia, stood nearby, watching with a heart full of extreme excitement and joy. The anticipation of seeing her beloved daughter in her wedding attire was finally over. 

"Words will be less to describe how beautiful my daughter is looking today," Mingxia stated with a brighter smile adorning her lips. She planted the crown-shaped, gold head accessory on the top of Jia Li's head. With the hairpins, she ensured the crown stayed in its place.