010: Chunin exam starts


Three months later:

It's been three months since hero water incident happened, now we are practicing our tijutsu with Lee and tenten she is not strong when it come to tijutsu and ninjutsu but she is godess when it comes to using weapon.

Tenten : Naruto you are very strong in tijutsu even stronger then neji.

Sakura : who is neji ?

Tenten: well he was rookie of the year of graduation class , he is genius, he is stronger then Lee in tijutsu.

Naruto: No he is not.

Naruto says non interestingly .

Tenten: what you mean he is not, he beat Lee all the spars.

Naruto: did Lee use front Lotus in those spars, did less use gates in those spars.

Naruto ask and tenten shook her head to say no.

Naruto: Neji only win because Lee always held back, Lee can easily beat any special jonin and newly appointed Jonin .

Because Lee always let him win, his ego become big and stick in his ass go deeper.

Naruto: Lee in next spar you use first two gate against neji , if guy sensei ask just tell him i said that to you.

Lee nodded and team 7 leave.

_______________________________________Sasuke left for doing his own training, that what he give excuse of but i still sense his chakra near.

After some time me and sakura walking middle of road then suddenly we saw a square rock with three sets of eye.

Naruto: Konohamaru come out i know it's you .

suddenly a cloud of smoke appear .

Udon: we use too much gun powder.

Moegi: you have to be care full.

Konohamaru: let's introduce our self

I am konohamaru, future hokage

Udon: I am udon, i like maths

Moegi: i am moegi , i am sexiest female ninja.

Naruto: hey what with that googles .

Konohamaru: we copy your style, big brother, hey play ninja with us.

Sakura : Which ninja play ninja Naruto.

Naruto: it's fun, try yourself.

Konohamaru: hey who are you ,big bro is she is your girlfriend.

Naruto: No, she is sasuke's girlfriend

Konohamaru: thank God , she is flat.

i feel chill in my spine , Sakura is angry and she will kill konohamaru.

Naruto: Kon run as fast as you can, save your life.

Konohamaru nodded and run for his life.

_______________________________________Few minute and one wrong turn later:

Shinobi: Damn it brat that hurt.

That shinobi said and picked up Konohamaru by the collar getting ready to apply some punishment. Naruto and Sakura heard the crash and went to investigate.

They arrived and saw two strange shinobis with sand Head protector. The one holding Konohamaru wore a black, baggy, full body suit with a red and yellow circle on the front. He also wears a black hood which covered his head completely, and had cat-like ears and his forehead protector on his forehead. He also a bundle in his back with white bandages surrounding it completely.

The other shinobi's outfit consists of a single light purple-colored, off-the-shoulders garment that extended to halfway down her thighs, with a scarlet sash tied around her waist. In addition to incorporating fishnet worn over her shoulders and legs, specifically on her right calf and her left thigh, she also wore her black forehead protector around her neck.

Kunoichi: Leave the kid alone Kankuro"

Kankuro :I've got to teach him some respect, Temari.

Tenari : "Fine, fine but if you get in trouble I'm not helping .

Kankuro nodded getting ready to smash his fist into Konohamaru. Sakura just watched scared of them until both Naruto and Hinata arrived at the scene.

Naruto: Hey clown, put Konohamaru down.

Kankuro: Who are you calling clown?"

Naruto: You. You are wearing a full body cat suit with makeup.

Kankuro: It's not makeup it's was paint"

Naruto: Whatever you say just put the brat down.

Naruto said getting ready to spring into action if need be.

Kankuro: I'm teaching him some manners.

As he made a fist and prepared to punch Konohamaru. Both Naruto and Sakura vanished in an instant. To any untrained eyes they were blurs.

One second later Sakura had Temari with a kunai at her throat just as Naruto had Kankuro. Naruto kunais now were all tree pronged with the flying thunder god seal however none of them recognized it.

Naruto: Now, how about you put him down…gently.

Naruto said in his sweetest voice and a small blood drop fell from Kankuro's neck. Kankuro and Temari were sweating, they didn't see them move, they were just blurs.

Naruto: Besides your team mate doesn't seem very happy.

Naruto said pointing towards a nearby tree. Suddenly from behind the tree appeared another sand shinobi. He is a little shorter than the average males of his age. He has fair skin and short, spiky, auburn hair which was sometimes depicted as red. He has green eyes and no distinctive pupils, or eyebrows either. He has two very notable traits in his appearance: firstly, he has racoon dog like black eye rings, having them since his birth. Secondly, he carved the kanji "love" on the left side of his forehead.

Kankuro: Ga-Gaara

Kankuro said in a dry voice clearly fearing the shinobi now identified as Gaara. He made a sand shunshin towards his team just as Naruto and Hinata retracted their kunais and regrouped with Sakura and the now released Konohamaru.

Gaara thought: They managed to get behind Temari and Kankuro…they're good.

Gaara: Stop this or I'll kill you.

Gaara said and Kankuro took a step back.

Kankuro: I w-was just t-teaching them a lesson .

Gaara: Shut up, you are a disgrace to our village.

Gaara said in his usual cold tone.

Naruto: Nice to meet you Mr 1 i am nine,

and Sasuke come down here instantly.

After listening Naruto's voice sasuke appear in whirlwind of leaf.

Sasuke: what they are giving you hard time or something.

they are having that conversation ,there sand sibling thought how did that blond kid know about one tail beast.

Gaara: how did you know about that .

Naruto: Furball said one tail racoon dog is crazy.

Kon go back to your friends ok.

Konohamaru nodded and run away

Naruto: you just try to hurt third hokage grandson .

Naruto saying that and looking at kankuro, after listening that kankuro become pale even after wearing paint.

Gaara : Mother want your blood, and by killing you i prove my existence.

Naruto: that's not the right way to show that you exist, try saving people.

well we will meet in chunin exam, until then good bye.

Gaara : Tell me your names.

Gaara demand their names.

Naruto: sign.... Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke: Sasuke uchiha.

Sakura : Sakura Haruno.

Gaara: I am Gaara of the sand these are my elder siblings Kankuro and temari.

_______________________________________Hokage office:

Hiruzen: So it's time, tell me which one of you are putting your team in chunin exam.

Kakashi: I Kakashi hatake recommend my team 7 for chunin exam.

Kurenai: I kurenai yuhi recommend my team 8 for chunin exam

Asuma: I Asuma Sarutobi recommend my team 10 for chunin exam.

Gai : I Might Gai recommend My team Gai for chunin exam.

Hiruzen: very well , then tell your team about it .

Iruka: Are you sure about that , they are Genin for only six month.

Kakashi: Sorry iruka, they are my student now ,i know if they are ready or not.

Hiruzen: Yes Iruka they are not academy students any more , have some faith in them.

Iruka nodded sadly and Jonin sensei left to meet their teams.

_______________________________________Training ground 7 :

Sakura : He is late again , it's too much how can any body be so late we are waiting for him for last seven hours .

Naruto trying to calm her down ans Sasuke knew that Sakura is more dangerous then Kage when she was angry , so he sit on the grass bed and look at Naruto who was beaten by Sakura and now in pain.

Suddenly Kakashi pop out of smoke.

Kakashi: Yo, sorry guys , i got something for you.

Kakashi give Chunin exam form to his students , after seeing the form Sakura calm down.

Kakashi : Fill the form if you are interested and meet me at the gate of academy after one week.

Same thing is done by other sensei , they also instructed to meet them at the gate of academy.

_______________________________________One week later:

All members of team 7 ( except Kakashi) are at the gate of academy.

Naruto: You guys are ready.

They nodded

Naruto: Let's rock the exam and become chunin.

They enter the academy and start climbing the stairs, when they reach second floor they saw few Genin begging to the chunin to let them pass.

But Sasuke open his Sharingan and then close it , Sasuke is about to say something but Naruto put his hand on sasuke's mouth and drag him to next floor ans Sakura follow them.

Sasuke: hey what are you doing.

Naruto: you are going to tell them to lift the genjutsu, if other Genin are not able to see through the genjutsu they are not ready for being chunin or even in this exam.

Sasuke and Sakura understand the logic behind Naruto's words , they move towards room 301 where exam is going to conduct, they see Kakashi waiting for them reading his smut novel.

After seeing his students going Kakashi put the book in his back pocket.

Kakashi: so my cute Genin made it.

Sasuke: you have doubt that we are not coming to the exam

Kakashi: i know you would come but even if any two of you come and third person not , i will not allow you to take the exam.

You see we have team of three for a reason.

They nodded in understanding, after that Kakashi disappear and they enter the examination hall.

Naruto saw many different village shinobi participating in the exam.

( A/N: in original Naruto 31 teams participate in the exam due to Sasuke told chunin to lift the genjutsu, but this time it's not happend so i make it 24 )

They were looking at the crowd then they hear some sound when they turn around they saw team 10 coming.

Ino jump towards Naruto for hug which she also get in return with a kiss.

Naruto: How are you my princess.

Ino : I am good Naruto dear.

Shikamaru: Troublesome blonds.

Choji: How are you guys, want some chips.

Sakura : we are fine Choji.

Sakura said with smile and drag ino with him to ask all the juicy details of the dates she had with Naruto.

After some time team 8 enter.

Kiba : So all the rookies are in the room, we are going to rock the exam.

Naruto grab Hinata from her waist and give her a kiss.

Naruto: how is my Lavender queen.

Hinata ( with a blush): i am good Naru dear.

Everyone start looking at Naruto with jealousy, that Naruto have two beautiful girls as his girlfriend.

Then suddenly Kabuto enter the room.

Kabuto: I advice you to stop making commotion.

Kurama ( in Naruto's mind) : Naruto that four eye smell like snakes.

Naruto nodded as know why he smell like snakes.

Naruto( in mind) : he smells like trouble.

Naruto go near Shino and whisper something and shino nodded.

Kabuto: I am your senior, i can give you advice and details about your future opponent.

Sasuke: Tell me about Gaara of the sand.

Kabuto: he is youngest of fourth Kazekage , he done many c and b rank mission, he come out of b rank mission uninjured .

Then suddenly cloud of smoke appear and a big man appear inside of it , that man have scar face and wear black bandana with long black coat, he is T&I department head ibiki Moria with his team.

Ibiki: Silence maggots, sorry to keep you waiting , I am proctor for the first test of the chunin exam my name is Ibiki Moria.

There will be no battles , competition and the likes without permission of the proctor.

Any scum that screw with me will be disqualified immediately .

Got it !?

After that we got a test paper and i start reading the test and i got the idea that this test is not for Genin hell even chunin cannot give the answer of all questions, this test is for seasonal jonins , but due to learn under my mom and dad i know all the answer so i start writing and write all the that i learn from my dad.

_______________________________________45 minutes later:

After 45 minute and four teams already eliminate Ibiki stop us to give 10th question.

Ibiki: First you have to decide whether or not you want take 10th question or not.

If you choose to take it and are unable to answer it correctly , then you have relinquish your right of taking the chunin exam.

And everyone start panicking, some are saying this is bullshit, some are saying how can he do this.

And i start writing my coded message on the answer sheet and then draw a cute picture for ibiki to give him hint about Kabuto i don't want Hayate die by the hand of baki because he listen the conversation between Baki and Kabuto about invasion.

Then i sleep and when i open my eyes 16 teams left .

Ibiki: is anyone else want to forfeit .... no you all pass.

Boooom... glass break and a lady appear with very revealing cloths and a big banner.

in that banner written in big words

Anko mitarashi proctor of second exam.

Anko : I am anko mitarashi , proctor of your second test , follow me.

Ibiki : you are early anko , as always.

Anko made wierd face , then look at us and said.

Anko: 16 teams , you almost cut them into half Ibiki, you still got it in you.

Ibiki: yeah, thanks but they are some tough nut to crack.

Ibiki said looking at me .

Anko: i will cut their number in have in next test .

Ok i will let your sensei tell where to meet me for second test.


ibiki start collecting the test papers of the participants one by one , when he reach Naruto's paper due to his curiosity he start reading his answers and more he read more he got surprise, the answer he was reading are explained on the level of kages .

when he reach 10th question he read

"" Snakes are going to play with kids in the forest ""

and there is a figure of a snake coming out of hole wearing Kabuto helmet.

Ibiki got the message and run toward hokage office with full speed.

_______________________________________Hokage office:

Door of hokage office open with a thud...

When hiruzen and his shadow clone look up they saw ibiki who have expression on his face saying i want to tell you something important.

Hiruzen: Good evening ibiki, how can I help you.

He put his brush down and take his pipe out.

Ibiki put naruto's paper down and show him 10th question.

Hiruzen start reading Naruto's answer sheet and his expression become grim.

He instructed his jonins and Anbu to find out the spy and traitor.


A/N: I made some changes as Naruto don't use his talk no jutsu to convince ibiki to pass them. total team pass is 16 not 27.

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