011: Dance of death with snakes in the forest of death.

_______________________________________Training ground 44( Forest of death) :

Every participant who pass first test of chunin exam are geather out side of the forest which is fenced to take every one outside with warning signs of "Do not enter" .

Anko come to the ground and stand infront of them .

Anko: welcome to my home away from home , training ground 44 also known as forest of death.

Sakura: Now this forest start giving me creeps.

Naruto: this type of threat didn't work on me.

" Hell i train in this forest for three years under Anko's nose, i know every thing about this place" - Naruto thought.

Naruto was thinking and Anko throw a kunai at him but instinctly Naruto dodge it but Anko come behind Naruto and put another kunai on the throat but for her surprise Naruto stop his kunai near the eye of anko.

Anko: Not bad brat not bad.

then a grass village ninja come from behind the anko and give back her kunai

Anko: don't come from behind again you will die.

Now before we start the exam , i have to

pass this to you.

She took out concent form and give us to sign .

Anko : in this test your very limit of your survival will be challenged.

Now I am going to give this .

She show us two scroll on them are kanji for Haven and earth

Anko: now rule of the exam.

1. if all three of the team mates did not able made to the tower your team will be eliminated.

2. if team don't have both earth and haven scroll they will be eliminated.

Now give your concent form there and take one scroll for your team.

Now fill your forms and summit there and take one scroll for each team.

After we summit the form and get the scroll , they give us gate number from which we enter the forest.


Inside the forest:

Naruto: let's finish this fast and i will teleport us to tower .

"But know this is not going to happened" - Naruto thought.

Same as what happend in og Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura attack by rain village nin but kill by them and other two are killed by Naruto.

Kabuto try to find Team 7 so he tell Orochimaru but he was not able to find them .

Naruto : well we have two earth scrolls now , we still have to find haven scroll.

Sakura : yeah, but they are strong for some Genins .

Sasuke: Who cares now they are dead and i don't have to use sharingan.

" normal sasuke is equal to arogant sasuke" - Naruto thought

they are talking then they are hit by very strong wind which is basically to separate them and it work Naruto flew away.

Naruto: So it's started Orochimaru is here , oy kurama are you listening.

Kurama: Yes kit i am listening, what do you want .

Naruto: Flair your chakra at max for 10 seconds .

Kurama: sure but why ,ohhh

Kurama got the idea , what Naruto is planning and he start flaring his chakra.

After that a big snake come infront of Naruto.

Naruto: I don't have time for this .

"Wood release: four pillar prison."

After that snake start getting surrounding with trees and made a prison dome.

Naruto: let's make snake barbeque,

"Fire star : flame of dragon".

and those flames start consume the wood prison and snake, that snake

Naruto: Done, let's meet my team and see how they are holding.


With Sasuke and Sakura:

Sakura: where did that wind come from and where is Naruto.

Sasuke: Don't know but he will ne here in a second if he is not fighting anyone.

As they are talking Naruto come to his team.

Naruto: hey guys i am back , that wind is so strong that i blew away.

But he got hit by both Sasuke and Sakura.

Sakura: you are not Naruto, that wind is nothing and Naruto call it " Wind style: great breakthrough"

Sasuke: And his wind jutsus are in his own league.

(A/N: yeah sasuke become fan of Naruto , same as madara become of hashirama)

Grass genin : oh so you find out .

They start fighting and for amazement of grass Genin he is getting pushed back by two fourteen year old kids.


Outside of the forest:

Nine tails chakra leak in the whole village and civilian start fainting, chunins are on the ground, Jonins are barely standing and old hokage was in thought why Naruto leaking so much chake, but after that he remember Naruto's coded message and run towards forest of death in his battle gear.

Anko was eating dango then she was suddenly hit by very big chakra signature.

Anko: what the hell is that.

As anko was thinking where did that malicious chakra coming from then suddenly one of her subordinate appear.

Chunin: Ms anko there is a problem occur we found a team of grass ninja dead and there skin are ripped away from their skin.

Anko rush toward the crime seen when she saw the body she knew who did the deed.

"This jutsu only one person can use this disgusting jutsu but why he is here" - Anko though

As she was thinking Hokage and full Anbu squade appear near them.

Hiruzen: Anko we have to stop Orochimaru, he is here.

Anko: How did you know this .

Hiruzen : Naruto flair his chakra to warn me.

Anko nodded and they rush toward the place where the chakra leak.


With Sasuke and Sakura:

As they are fighting Orochimaru start going all out and it's getting hard for both of them fight toe to toe with Orochimaru, when they start getting pushed back by Orochimaru, Naruto appear.

Naruto: Hey thats not fair , you guys are fighting a sanin and all i got was a dumb snake .

Now sasuke give me lightening.

"Water style : water piller".

Sasuke Nodded and say

Sasuke: " Lightening release: Judgement ".

As thunder strike on the water and electrocuted the Orochimaru he shed skin and come into his real form.

Orochimaru: So you come and i see you are very strong , let see how strong are you.

Naruto: Well let see how strong are you against us three.

They start fighting and Orochimaru realise that he will be defeated if he not start getting serious .

Orochimaru : Summoning jutsu

a snake appear and start attacking Naruto to saparate him from his team.

Naruto: I hate snakes toads are batter

" Fire release : Judgement of fire god"

Blue flames come out of Naruto's mouth and turn whole area with snake turn into dust.

At the time Naruto dealing with snake Orochimaru make his move and bite Sasuke's neck but hit by sakura full force .

Orochimaru: I give you power to achive your goal , if you want to meet me again come top of this exam.

After that Orochimaru dissolve into ground.

Sakura : Dear are you alright.

Sasuke: yeah, but it hurts .

As they are talking the place where Orochimaru bites turn in to sharingan type seal.

Naruto: Let me see that , oh so Orochimaru gives you a love bite .

Sakura: this is no time for jokes Naruto.

As Naruto start examining the seal Sasuke got unconscious

Naruto: Sakura let's find a place to rest, after that heal him.

Sakura nodded and they move, after sometime they found a cave.

Naruto: we stay here for tonight, you start healing him and i guard for tonight.

Sakura: are you sure you guard the place, you are also tierd from the fight that snake.

_______________________________________With Anko and Anbu squade:

They are finding Orochimaru everywhere but the who find him is Anko

(A/N: i am not going to write that part)

Same as og Naruto.


With squad 7:

Sasuke was sleeping and sakura already heal her and Naruto start break the seal to takeout Orochimaru's soul out of seal after five hours he was able to made seal compatible for sasuke and take out the soul and destroy it.

Naruto: i finally made this seal to let sasuke use this only one time to take his sharingan to next level.

Now i am going to sleep then we find a team take haven scroll from them.

Sakura nodded and go to guarding the enterance .

Next day they are sitting there and wait sasuke to wake up, as they are waiting and eating food that they take out from sealing scroll.

As they are waiting team of sound ninja attack them they did not even try to defend them tey are too weak for them after few minutes, a purple light appear from the cave and start beating the shit out of sound ninja .

Naruto: Sasuke channel that marks chakra into your eyes .

Naruto says calmly and sasuke did what Naruto says and after few seconds Sasuke's eyes start spinning madly and turn into mangekyou sharingan as this think happening team 10 enter the stage.

Sasuke: what happened to my eyes?

Naruto: nothing i just help you to reach new heights.

Sasuke look at sound Genins and use black flames to cover them and they start screeming and they die after few minutes.

Naruto: well we get both scrolls let me teleport us to tower , I am talking about you to team 10.

Naruto said without looking at them.

Shikamaru: i forgot you are a senser.

Naruto: come on let's go to tower, but before let's pick team 8 in the way.

Naruto use his sense to find team 8 and teleport there them take all of them at the tower.


Tower middle in the Forest of death:

All rookie 9 appear there in a yellow flesh, and look around.

Naruto : we are here and have three days to rest.

Kiba: what we do about these scrolls ?

Naruto: how about we open them , we are not in the forest anymore.

They nodded and open the scroll that was a Summoning scroll as the smoke clear Iruka was infront of them .

Iruka: I was summoned by all of you at once, well congratulations you clear the second round in two days, now take some rest .


Inside the tower:

As they went inside Kakashi and hokage come to see team 7, as they want to see

if they are alright or not and sasuke is in effect of curse seal because they know sasuke want power to take vengeance.

but they are intrupt by Naruto.

Naruto: Yo Oldman did you get my massage.

Hiruzen: yes and thank you for the massage.

Anko told me that he give sasuke curse mark , so send him with Kakashi so he put seal on the seal.

Naruto: About that, well you put any seal on that think it will break free , so i use it to make sasuke sharingan into mangekyou sharingan, this mark is now nothing but fashion status.

After listening this their eyes are as big as disk and mouth hung to the ground.

(A/N: In the story Naruto is already seal master of level 10, so he was able to remove curse mark effectively)

Naruto: oh and if Anko want i can turn her curse mark into fashion symbol also

Hiruzen: I will talk her about this and i am sure she also want to remove that mark.

Naruto: well see you after three days oldman and Kakashi sensei.


Author's note: read and review and if you like the chapter please drop power stones and forgot to comment.