Taking another look around the cavern, Detrick saw what he thought looked like greaves at the bottom of a pile off to his left. They looked as though they were still attached to someone’s legs.
Before going to investigate, he glanced back over his shoulder to check on the dragon again. The dragon was still coiled up in a ball. In the dim light, he could see it shaking hard. He would have to make checking on their only way out of the cave his next priority.
But for now, he curiously walked towards the treasure pile where he saw the greaves. Walking around the mound, he found the slumped over form of a dead knight. The rotten skull tilted to the side, its jaw hanging open.
The knight clung to a scabbard at its chest. No hilt stuck out of the end though. A drawstring pouch sat on the ground next to the knight too.
Detrick leaned down and picked it up. Opening it, he found it full of gold and sparkling jewels. He shoved the pouch into his trousers, tying it off at a belt loop.