Carefully making their way off the top of the dragon, Detrick and Cecilia immediately began exploring their surroundings.
The light of the setting sun played across heaping mounds of gold, jewels, and other treasures, making the piles glitter brightly. Detrick had never seen so much gold in his life. It covered the cave’s floor, going deep into the cavern, far beyond his line of vision.
He looked back through the mouth of the cave.
“Cecilia,” he said. “We’re going to run out of light soon.”
She didn’t react to his comment right away, walking deeper into the cavern and gazing about.
“Do you know what this is?” Cecilia asked, without looking back.
“Uh, beyond the obvious, no,” he answered. He held the sword tightly in his right hand, his demon squatting by his side.
The flame of the sword flickered. “It’s a dragon hoard,” it said. Detrick and Cecilia turned their full attention to the demon.