Chapter 1- The start of a nice year: The beginning

*knock* *knock*

"Yes… I'm sorry, coming!"

"What the…Emy? Where the hell have you been?! I've called you so many times and you weren't answering your phone! You should have come home ages ago!"

"Yes I know I'm sorry but I had a small problem with some guy on the road."

My mom looks at me with a skeptical look.

"Oh is that so? Than why is the bottom of your school uniform scratched?"

I look at my pants and notice some scratch marks.


"Ok yes well it wasn't a friendly encounter with some random stranger. He was driving a truck and almost hit me. That's all."

I walk by my mom's angry glances and make my way towards the bathroom.

I really need to wash myself…

I take some time to look at myself in the mirror. My short brown hair is extremely tangled and my pink dyed string of hair is starting to loose color. I also look like I haven't slept for 12 days.


I take a quick shower to fix this mess and I start to eat supper.

*TV statics*

[-if we look at the world map, we can see that the numbers in dungeons have drastically increased over the past 2 years. Even tho the number of hunters are also increasing, there are way more dungeons than we can manage-


"Hey, why did you turn that off??"

"Sorry dear brother, but it's getting annoying to hear people talk about the same thing every day. I mean, can't they talk about actually important things on tv? Like how grade E and D awakeners are under protected, under formed and in some cases forced to go in dungeons even tho they might die??"

Our conversation got my mother's attention and she's quite quick to join it.

"Well sweetie, it's harsh but it is what it is you know?…"

Arthur grabs the tv remote and turn the TV on.


[-more people are starting to want more action from the grade S hunters in Korea and-]

"Grade S hunters? Aren't these bastards the one who cause the most trouble and chaos?"

The TV places in the background.

My brother glances at me.

"While that is true, some of them are not that bad actually, like the number 2 ranker I think."

"The vampire girl?"

"Yes, Eun-ha Anna, the girl who has extremely strong combative abilities, enhanced vision and strength… or vampire girl like you call her…"

Even tho me and my brother stopped talking for a while. I noticed that he looked a lot at my hands.

"Um, what's wrong Arthur you good?"

"Emy, your wrist is broken."

"And your index finder too."


"Oh… well I guess I didn't notice then…"

"Go get yourself treated before mom sees your injuries and realize that you didn't have a "friendly encounter" with some guy on the road."


The next morning is basically the same as every other morning before school.

-wake up

-eat and brush your teeth

-pack your things while your mom screams at you

And then bam, school.

When I get to school, I notice that the atmosphere is quite tense.

Almost everyone has a weird look on their faces. I try to ignore it and get to class. My teacher is there quite early and the rest of my class is there too. The teacher looks towards me with a look that said "sit before I have to ask you to".

So I sit.

"So, before starting the lesson, I'm aware that most of you are aware of an event that took place recently.

One of our dear student has tragically passed away. My superiors asked me and all of the teacher to talk about this event to raise awareness concerning dungeons and the work of a hunter. So, I'll say it this time too and again in the future, do NOT go into a dungeon under ANY circumstances. Not even for money or other thing that aspire you. If you are a grade E awakener and inter a dungeon, you will die."

On minute of silence goes by for the dead student.

"So on that note let us start the lesson."

I'm getting really sleepy.

It be a huge problem if I just take a quick nap…right?

Oh well…

Huh? That's weird. Why does my desk feel so…weird? It's cold. Wait, where the hell am I?

I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is a decapitated body. A body with missing limbs, its organs out in the open and its head extremely deformed and bleeding out as if something smashed it with all its strength.

The smell is disgusting, what the hell?? What happened?

I get up and look at my surroundings: I'm in a cave with a dead body besides me. And that body has the same school uniform as me.

Shit don't tell me…

Did a dungeon appear in the school?…

I hear a scream.


People from the dungeon management and prevention company are gathering in a big building.

"Ah… miss Eun-Ha nim, it's a pleasure to have you here."

"The pleasure is mine, director Mitch nim. What happened? Why was I called here?"

"Well, something quite urgent came up and we would like to have a talk with you."

Eun-ha looks annoyed and glances around the room.

'Why is the number one hunter here?'

Director Mitch noticed Eun-Ha skeptical expression.

"We called him and you here regarding the situation that came up."

Eun-ha follows the director while staying quiet.

'The number one hunter, Hadeon. I never really cared about him nor met him in real life. Most people compared him and me because of all the "number one hunter and number two inter rivalry" bullshit. People often referred to him as "the destroyer" because of his abilities and skills. But he was also popular because of his looks. Men or women, all though the same thing: he was handsome. Black hair that's not too long yet not too short, void like black eyes, a perfect jawline and a beautiful muscular figure.'

Eun-Ha inters a room with the director and Hadeon. Some other important people well dressed are gathered here.

'The leader of the black cat guild Zoe Szil is here. Her presence is quite overwhelming. She has long wavy black hair and emerald like eyes that contrast with her hair. She has black lipstick and eyeshadow and her long nails are painted black. She is also quite tall. The number 5 ranker is also here…'

Everyone sits down and stare attentively at director Mitch.

"So, let us start this meeting. I called all of your here because an extremely urgent situation has came up."

"A dungeon has appeared this morning in a grade E school."

Everyone in the room give confused looks.

Hadeon starts to speak.

"Can't we just send a rescue team?"

Everyone waits for the answer.

"Well that's the problem and that is why I contacted all of you."

"From quick analysis, this dungeon ranks between C and A."

"I'm not going."

Everyone looks at the man who spoke with such a deep voice. Hadeon.

The director is quick to speak.

"The question isn't who we send, it's do we really want to spend our resources to save some grade E school?"

'…Well that was expected.'

"I mean… we could send a rescue team in there, but it'll probably take about 2 weeks for them to come out of the dungeon. And if it's a grade B or A dungeon, it's even more troublesome…"

Anna starts to speak.

"Mister director Mitch, if we don't do anything and just send a a rescue team, most of them will die, lie you just said, and even our employees might die. It might stain the reputation of both hunters and your company.

I say we send one grade B or A hunter and a rescue team to assure the safety of everyone."

The director takes time to consider this option.

"Well, why don't you go then miss Eun-Ha nim?"

'Shit. I don't usually go inside gates and do a dungeons to save people. It gets the media's attention. But, I don't really have a choice here, after all, I was the one who proposed this.'

"Fine, I'll go. But, only if my reward is worth the shot."

The director gives me a spiteful look.

"Yes… you'll be rewarded accordingly and I'm also allowing you to take the rewards in the dungeon only if you split them with the rescue team."

"All right then, you got yourself a deal."

"Also please refrain from using honorifics when speaking with me. I believe we have known each other from quite a long type to drop it no? Also I am not Korean."

I get up and leave the room.

'What a bunch of fucking bastards.'