Chapter 33: Heart Scale

“Marion,” Eris greeted softly, standing upon his toes to press delicate kisses to their brow. “I would like you to come with me for a few hours. Is your prince able to pull you away from your chores for a few hours? I want to go over your casting–”

“You needn’t ask me a question as if I might tell you no, Your Highness,” Marion chuckled, returning the kiss to his brow. “I am not one to refuse you, let alone refuse an offer to spend time under your tutelage.”

“Most excellent!” the prince chimed, dropping one of the elf’s hands as he moved to their side. He held one still, clawed finger drumming slightly against the knuckles of Marion’s gauntlets. “Come, I know you do not wish to go too far from the camp, but I believe I heard one of the fellows talking about a small pond last night around the fire.”

“You want to practice… by a pond?” The elf’s brow raised, though they did not resist as Eris pulled them along.