War's Left Hand, Part 4

The slayers now realized that they are not dealing with a dignified divine being such as Conquest, but more of a sadistic blood kink game addict. Which it was starting to seem like War's squadron was very much not the status quo when it came to Heaven's soldiers they had run into so far.

"Alright guys." Jun said as he removed his hand from his shoulder. It wasn't a perfect heal, but the bleeding had stopped. "At least we now know what his deal is. Now we can work around it."

"How?" Jayden said with a hint of attitude. "Don't you realize now that the rules work in his favor?"

Jun raised an eyebrow. "Explain."

The conversation was cut short as they all heard a cracking sound above them. Fydos's weapon had begun rotating again and was freeing itself from the ceiling. 

"Scatter!" Jun shouted. They all jumped in different directions to avoid the deadly circular saw. Jun spotted his sword on the ground several feet away and dashed directly toward it.