Past Friendship

Everyone was already asleep in the Reinhard manor. Yohana had just fallen asleep when she heard a noise coming from the window. 

Traumatized by Ansgar's previous visit, Yohana did not immediately approach the window. Instead, she went out of her chamber to call a guard. She informed the guard about the noise, who put his hand on the sword while drawing near to the window.

Yohana stayed close behind him, taking a candleholder with her. The guard was taller than her, and his back was broader so Yohana's vision was completely shielded by his figure.

"My Lady, you should see this." The guard turned around and took two steps back, making way for Yohana.

The guard's calm voice helped Yohana dispel her anxiety. She lowered the candleholder and moved forward. She glanced around the window and saw someone. 

It was Madam Geneviere. "Dear Saints! What happened, Mad–Lady Lamore! What are you doing here at this time of day?!"