It stands out. A vast plain of various fields. Each as green as the other, and with a tinge of break in their pattern. Like a thousand people had packed the grass down again and again. And in the distance stands a range of mountains. 

Each peak into the sky, practically touching the clouds above. And here we stand. At the lowest edges, surrounded by nothing but the vast plains.

They look insurmountable. With harsh edges that lead up and up and up. Thousands of miles high; impossible to even begin climbing.

But are they?

They aren't. It's just that well- No one would even think to try. And who knew what was beyond there, maybe it would be dead land. Something that, compared to this - my neck stretches to encapsulate the entire valley - would be terrible.

It would take the better part of half a year to pass by this place. Maybe someone could do it. But why?

I don't think that they would have any reason.

We aren't alone here.