I stare. My eyes dart left and right. Where is she? Where? I ask myself. And I can't find her. Where is she?! Lily. Ellaine. Anyone. I can't find anyone.

Where's that blonde mop of hair. Where is she? Where is my Lily. I can't find her. And- and I can't find anyone.

And why are my thoughts repeating? Am I that panicked? A breath. Another. The corpse! I dodge another blow and- and look for the corpse. The goblin, the one that sacrificed his life for me.

He should be here. Right?

But the indent on the ground, where I had dodged to a moment ago. It has no blood. It has no corpse. It has nothing.

And suddenly, another headache. Wind rushes past me and the spearman grins. No, he smirks. It's... it's...

A breath. Another.

My heart calms and I take on a calmer countenance. I need to calm down. Down. Down. Another breath. Unclench that fist and let your body flow.

I do as my mind instructs and I see it clearly now.