
It burns so brightly in my eyes. And I find myself. I- I roll. I have to roll. I'll die otherwise. Is there any option but to roll. But if I roll. I die again too.

Then what are my options?

I need to do something.

I need to move.

I can't move though. 

If I move. I die.

And then the light. It burns. It burns so much. So that when I blink, the man is gone. His feet recoil and bring him further and further away from me.

Again and again. Again and again.

His feet patter against the dirty ground. And I struggle to grasp what had happened.

Had someone helped me? Had- What the hell happened?!

My tail swishes behind me and I growl in a stiff warning. 

Then suddenly, and without any prior warning. He laughs. So uproariously that were we not isolated here, the volume would cut through any crowd.

I growl again.