[Commander Morrison POV]
A fist slammed into the table. A shouting match that seemed to stretch on forever and all I could do was hold my head low and feel the pressure that was placed on me. Of the expectations that the chief had told of me.
I was to take back both New York and Rhode Island. Just one of them would have been a monumental task but both of them. After some of the things that the rumor mill has been spreading.
Not to mention the horrors that the info department had told us. I had to hold back the tears that threatened to find their way out of my eyes. It was unfair. All I had was two hundred thousand troops.
Each of them around level 8 with some exceptions being higher and around level 20 or 25. It was quite high and I was grateful for them. But those people were killers. They had gotten their level not from dungeons as most had. But from the indiscriminate slaughter of the dissidents that had appeared a month into our operations.