Gabriel pov

Mhm… That's something. There's this little bugger flying in the sky. Its little rotating wings create lift and give the controller a view of the entire city. The thing flies up, up and up. Until it reaches its desired height.

I watch. Curious of its purpose.

Why oh why~ 

I hum a little song.

The Merman march. Dozens instead of a few. A legion where once was a squad. They march and march and march.

The drone watches. It buzzes around and tries to find a pattern in the chaos.

I jump. Creating an illusion and watching as the drone hovered near it. Whoever's controlling it… ah- they're quite curious.

I tap the thing and it falls. Destroyed and fallen to the ground.

My illusion is unveiled. Revealing silvery paws that reach the ground. A tail swishes behind my vulpine form. And the camera gets one good look.

I wink.

And then it bursts into flames. Self-destruction?