The help smiles stiffly, she looks between the two of us. Me sitting atop his desk, looming over him, and her boss. Who scowls up at me with absolute hatred.

Why they hate me so much~? I can't really say. Nor do I care enough to figure out why.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you have left already? Gone away with that little plaything of yours."

I hum, putting a finger on my mouth.

"I could've. But~" I stretch out the 't'. "I did you a favor. One that was… let's say… quite big. That opposition of yours. He was a man right? With a big crown atop his head and oh~ Let's say these gaudy silk robes. He also had a lot of jewelry, yes?"

His eyes widened.

"How… No. It makes sense. I presume that he's dead."

I nod.

"Good riddance. He was such a nuisance. We couldn't do anything while he was running interference. Thank you. Now leave."

I tilt my head.

My playful smile leaves my face, quite suddenly too.