Her snicker is loud. Against the rushing of water… the pounding of it against my hair. She appears.
White hair opposed to my silver. A height that reaches just under an inch of mine. Fluffy ears that point straight up and a look in her eyes, oh so hungry.
My own eyes must have mimicked hers. But I did do something different. "Gave up on the chase?" I raise my brow.
And she snickers. A melodic beat that brought a bump to my heart.
"No~ Silly~" She sang.
The water turns to the side suddenly. And with all the patience of a saint, my body doesn't react. Her clothes are bulky. A sweater that covers down to her legs, and pants that hug tightly to her body.
She blows me a kiss. And I chuckle in response.
"I just thought~" She flirts. "That a sneak-peak was in order… A tease for your eventual prize if you will~"
I chuckle, again.