Okami pov


I am proud.

My body bounces along the ground. Dirt is eaten, so is the corpses of what may have been a thousand people before. Their eyes are lifeless, but doesn't that just make the meal all the more delicious...?

Bounce, bounce. I make my way back towards the wall. There are many summons around, each a creation of the glorious creator. Of Inari.

Despite my faceless body, there's still a small smile on my lip. And a tilt to my mood that perks the attention of some of the idle wolves.

They try to take my attention. Try being the operative word. 

Paws bounce against the ground. A low rumble signifies their want of attention. Like they were trying to ridicule me. Me?! The first born.

The first creation of Inari.

And they want to ridicule me?

I scoff.

And they howl in laughter.

Like I was beneath them.
