The wall cracks. It's under my power that the crack becomes bigger. Just enough for us to fit through. And I'm the first to step foot.
After all, a leader must be the first. He must take the first step, lead the first charge. He must be there at the front. He cannot cower in the back.
Unlike some leaders that I know of...
"What... what is this...?"
My mutter is small. And so, so quiet. I light a tiny fire. Just enough for us to see with. And the rest agree with my assessment.
It's way too dark here. Absolute pitch black. And even with the flame we can barely see even an inch in front of us. I can still see my team, that's a miracle at least.
My team spreads out. Feeling their way to one of the walls. A hand touches the rough stone and instantly hisses in pain.
"It's sharp... like... like a blade or something."
The youngest creates a shield around all of us. It's visibly straining his focus. But I know what he's thinking.