My eyes flutter back open. The boulder impacts the hastily made shield, and it shatters. Both the shield and the boulder.
Luckily, we've been on guard the entire time. Each of our steps are made with precious caution. There's a slight movement in the right and something opens. Another trap.
I turn and the youngest creates another shield. A frown is apparent on my face. The shield shatters and swords impact sword. The clang is terribly loud.
My shoulder hurts from the effort. But we're safe. We're all safe.
"Let's rest for a moment."
Hah... It's been, ah- something like four hours since we'd received the message to push through. And push through we did.
Trap after trap. Poison filed web after poison filled web. We've had no break since. Each member of the team taking the lead at least once - I've done the same five times - and we're tired.
Absolutely exhausted.
I sit on the ground and rest my head against the jagged wall.