The details of our deal. Well it was quite simple in retrospect, and even now looking back to the documents that she had brought...
Well it could barely have even been called a deal. For most of our time had been spent talking. Discussing the events of the city and what had hallened.
"So you surviving…" she muttered. It was one of the more… ominous statements of hers. Like she had not expected us to survive that hoard of people.
Their military and all that came with.
My reply was simple.
"Of course." A smile along with it that seemed to glow brighter with the tea that I sipped.
It was honestly quite good and I could see myself coming back agains sometime.
But that was besides the point. What was, was that she had come to send a message.
A letter that stated that Angela would come to visit. For whatever reason.
Whether that be an alliance, or some other reason. I found it supremely suspicious.