A yawn echoed hastily from my mouth, all as my feet stepped onto that cold ground. Warming it with the nascent heat I had gained from sleep. From that comfortable bed that heated my body... several degrees.

To such a comfortable degree wherein my only thought was of how I would sleep in more. But as was the norm... I was not able too. My own ambition would not allow for such a step. For with every passing day.

Came another and another rule. Another law... another arbitration... and more importantly... more recent and - as emphasized - important. The delegation that had arrived.

The proposal... the deal. 

I yawned. Letting my fingers cover my mouth, a habit I had gained from god knows where, and for a second I just stood there. My eyes closed slightly, basking in the cold of the room. Only warmed slightly by the fur of my tail.

That wrapped around me like another blanket.