There was a break in the road, one that I had not expected nor had I seen before. A sort of illusory wall that seemed to be placed for the express purpose of halting those that tried to follow them.

I scowled, even as my eyes flickered between reality and illusion. It was well crafted, I would give them that. But it was not crafted well enough. Nor was the seemingly endless darkness they had summoned.

It was nothing compared to the countless illusory traps, the dreamy smoke that master had forced upon my head. To test his own inventions.

A small smile graced my features. Even as I placed my hand through that illusion. It was as sturdy as one could be. One not made by Inari, that was. For with a well placed knock, it came crashing down.

It was sturdy enough to endure flying debris and a casual placement of a back upon it. As anything short of that would be too obvious.

That was all.