The brisk wind coming from the Dannemora plane carried a heady scent of frankincense, Myrrh and tea roses being burned by the clerics that had accompanied the pope, adding to the mysterious aura of his unexpected arrival.

Faye felt queasy with the fragrance of the incenses. It reminded her of the time she ran away from the Montgomery's seeking help from the church, and she was ultimately turned away and sent back to the Wintershold estate.

As she watching Sterling's reaction to the event's unfolding around them, she saw his jaw tick and could hear annoyance in his words as he proclaimed through gritted teeth.

"They are indeed brave or stupid….I am unsure of which—showing up with an army to the steps of my fortress. I believe the entire lot of them have a death wish."

Before they disembarked from the carriage, Sterling gave Faye a reassuring grin as he patted her in the hand. "Together" he said. "We will face this side by side."