The Pope reacted with great joy, saying, "Well, if that's the case, then it's all the more reason for the temple to be here. If she truly is a Saintess, we will assist her in developing her powers. It would be better, though—if she could return to the temple with us."

"Absolutely not! Faye is my wife, and she's staying right here!" Sterling growled assertively, glowering angrily at the pope.

"Tsk," he clicked his tongue. "It pains me to have to do this. However, you have left me with little choice."

"Rutger!" the Pope snapped his fingers.

A huge knight lumbered forward, looming over all in the room. He was the same knight Faye had seen Sterling sneering at earlier.

"Remove the Duchess and take her to my quarters." He demanded.

The knight moved forward, his hand on his sword. He was about to unsheathe his weapon. His intention was to remove Faye forcibly from her rightful seat.


