The chilling wind whipped through the fortress's battlement, making Lena's scarlet-hued hair float like flames around her face. She narrowed her emerald gaze at the archer and was about to reprimand him when a red string sticking through the ice and snow caught her attention.

She cocked her head curiously and focused on the brightly coloured threads, wondering how it got there. She leaned down and plucked it up in her fingers. It stood out bright against the white of her gloves. As she examined it in more detail, Lena could see the single gold thread that wove itself through the rest of the vibrant-coloured cord.

There was only one person in the empire who could use this, and it was the king. Lena had received a special spool of the thread from the emperor when she was appointed as Ambassador to Everton. He had instructed her to use it only for urgent messages.