Sterling, with a defiant air of confidence, asked the knight commander. "Are seeing the same things I am in the monarchy, and if so, are you prepared to join me in a coup to take back the throne? To serve the Empire and its people the way they deserve to be served?"

Sir Wymar's brows snapped together at the revelation that the current sitting prince was actually the second crown prince, not the first, and of Sterling's legitimate claim to the throne. He was Minbury's first-born child and rightful heir.

His eyes widened in astonishment. Wymar said, "Then you are the rumored child, the one who is of dragon blood? We all thought you were supposed to be dead, that the king had exterminated you. And all this time, you have been hiding in plain sight." he chuckled, "Even becoming the strongest sword on the continent."

"I am," replied the Duke to Sir Wymar's assertions.