Chapter 151-the lighting ceremony

Karl's POV

Bruno took a deep breath, struggling to contain the restlessness and anger within him. In a hoarse voice, he asked me, "So, my mom would be the first to know about the smoking incident, and it's because of you?"

I chuckled lightly, "I really wouldn't go that far."

At most, I could be considered as adding fuel to the fire. The impact of those two posts only affected a momentary change in the vote count, and judging by the school's usual approach, they wouldn't bother about minor disputes on the student forum.

If I wanted to escalate the situation, parental intervention was urgently needed, and that would only be my mother stepping in.

I had seen Bruno's Instagram, observed the dynamics of their family, and heard David talk about the past. A mother like hers couldn't tolerate any blemishes on the perfect creation she had molded with her own hands.