A Girl who Jumps From the Dorm and Dies Part I

The first night in the boarding school was not so pleasant…

All students were compelled to stay in the third-floor dormitory at 8 p.m.; however, the lights would be on until 9 p.m., which was bedtime. So, many students gathered up for a group talk. Some took turns braiding and combing their hair. Some brought snacks secretly hidden in their bedding to share and deliciously eat together. Even if it was a simple snack, it was always especially palatable whenever one secretly ate it...Fern understood that feeling relatively well.

Fern sat motionless on the bed, which felt as hard as a typical wooden plank. Fortunately, she bought some excellent pillows and bolsters. Otherwise, the girl wouldn't be able to sleep for sure. There was no air conditioner, only a ceiling fan that made a whistling sound when turned on. Fern did not know when the fan would fall and minced a student's head.